Reads the contents of a single-message plain text file and places it in a specified Earthworm transport ring with the given message logo. Look at the earthworm.d and earthworm_global.d for message types you can send, and module names you can send the messages to.
Useful for feeding known messages to Earthworm modules for testing.
Author: Lynn Dietz
Usage: file2ring <filename> <ring_name> <installation_id>
<module_id> <message_type>
Example: file2ring test.arc HYPO_RING INST_MENLO MOD_EQPROC TYPE_HYP2000ARC
Example 2: file2ring reconfigure.txt WAVE_RING INST_CIT MOD_STARTSTOP
In Example 2 contents of reconfigure.txt is the word "reconfigure"...
This example sends "Startstop" the message to reconfigure, which is
the same as typing 'recon' in the interactive startstop console window.