Eqcoda Overview

(last revised August 17, 2000)

Eqcoda is a sub-module in Earthworm's event-processing mega-module. It processes the event messages output by either eqproc or eqprelim, and writes its own output in a format that can be read by either eqverify or hyp2000_mgr. Eqcoda is often the third link in the mega-module, started by eqbuf. It could, however, be started directly by eqprelim or eqproc. Eqcoda in turn starts the next link specified in its "PipeTo" command (generally eqverify) and communicates to the next link via a one-directional pipe.

Once the next link is started, eqcoda's job is to read the TYPE_EVENT2K messages produced by either eqprelim or eqproc, perform some coda envelope calculations, build a TYPE_HYP2000ARC message, and pass it on to the next link in the mega-module. Eqcoda passes all message types other than TYPE_EVENT2K directly to the next link without modifying them in any way.

Eqcoda's calculations produce a coda duration and coda weight for each arrival in the event. These numbers will be used by hypoinverse to calculate duration magnitude. Eqcoda considers binder_ew's event location and pick_ew's coda amplitude and duration information in its calculations. Pick_ew reports the coda duration as the time from the P-arrival to the time when the average absolute amplitude of a 2-second trace data window reaches "cutoff" digital counts, where "cutoff" is specified for each channel in the station file (for the Northern California Seismic Network, this cutoff value is defined as the counts equivalent to a discriminator output of 60 mV). Pick_ew reports a "normal" coda if the amplitude decays to "cutoff" in less than 144 seconds after the P-wave arrival. If the coda does not decay to "cutoff" within 144 seconds, pick_ew times out, reporting the observed amplitude and a "truncated" coda duration of 144 seconds. For traces with high pre-event noise levels, pick_ew reports a negative or "noisy" coda duration. In addition to the coda duration, pick_ew reports the average absolute amplitudes (in digital counts) of up to six pre-determined 2-second trace windows.

Eqcoda finds the rate of the coda decay by performing an L1 fit to the coda amplitudes reported by pick_ew. Any coda amplitudes that precede the predicted S-wave arrival time or that exceed the coda clipping threshold are not included in this L1 fit. Eqcoda arrives at a quality or "coda weight" for this seismogram by comparing the calculated decay rate to the rate expected for real earthquake signals and by analyzing the quality of the fit to the observed data.

For "normal" codas, eqcoda reports the coda duration observed by pick_ew. For "truncated" and "noisy" codas, eqcoda reports an extrapolated coda duration, using the calculated coda decay rate to estimate the time at which the signal's amplitude would have reached the coda cutoff level. For extrapolated coda lengths to be consistent with "normal" coda lengths reported by pick_ew, be sure that both eqcoda and pick_ew read the same station file.

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