Earthworm Modules:
Dumpwave Overview

(last revised 30 May 2006)

Dumpwave dumps a header summary and the contents of a TYPE_TRACEBUF2 or TYPE_TRACEBUF waveform data file to the screen.

Dumpwave reads a binary file of "raw" tracebuf messages, written one after another with no other header info. (The file format that Dumpwave reads is the same format the tankplayer reads, and can be produced by trig2disk or waveman2disk with "DataFormat tank". )

Command line arguments:
argument 1 = file to dump from
optional argument 2 = pin# to dump

For example:

dumpwave \earthworm\tanks\20060530_185505.00_MAN

Output will look something like the following for each tracebuf that's in the wave file:

  version: 20
  s.c.n.l: NP1.HHN.ZZ.01
    pinno:     3
    nsamp:   500
 samprate: 100.0000
starttime: 1149015311.0000   2006/05/30:1855:11.00
  endtime: 1149015315.9900   2006/05/30:1855:15.99
 datatype: i4
 quality0: b   quality1: e
     pad0:         pad1: u
    7011    7122    7101    6894    7001    7063    7014    7077    7198    7114

    6943    7002    7058    6929    6937    7095    7100    6990    6978    7042

    6968    6967    7056    6956    6948    7032    6909    6858    6876    6897

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