Earthworm Modules:
Coda Dur Overview

(last revised 25 October, 2012)

This program reads picks and coda avg absolute values (aav) and then determines the coda duration for each pick. The program was decoupled from pick_ew so that picks and coda can potentially be produced from differently-processed waveform streams of a given SCNL.

Coda_dur only processes SCNLs listed in the pick_ew station list with pick_flag=1, and it uses these parameters:

         Old name   New name                                          
         --------   --------                                          
            c7      CodaTerm                                          
            c8      AltCoda                                           
            c9      PreEvent      


For more discussion of codas, see: pick_ew.scale-factors.txt


Module Index | Coda_dur Commands

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