Waveman2disk Configuration File

(last revised Jan 11, 2010)


# Configuration file for waveman2disk:
# If you wish to write PC-SUDS files suitable for viewing with
# sudsplot you will need to run waveman2disk on a Windows 2000 machine AND
# with all earthworm modules compiled with the /Zp1 flag (accomplished
# by adding /Zp1 to %EW_HOME%\%EW_VERSION%\environment\tools.ini file)
# (Lucky Vidmar Mon Mar 15 12:04:59 MST 1999)

LogFile 1 # 0 means don't create a disc log file. 1=> do.

# Debug switch: the token "Debug" (without the quotes) can be stated.
# If it is, lots of weird debug messages will be produced

# Data input method:
# triglist - read the file specified by TrigFile option, and
# process the TYPE_TRIGLIST2K messages in there
# interactive - specify one of more SaveSCNL entries in this file
# or an external file included with @. Then, the
# user is prompted for start and end time of trace
# snippets to be saved
#InputMethod triglist
InputMethod interactive

# TrigFile - name of the file containing TYPE_TRIGLIST2K msgs
# required only if InputMethod is triglist.
TrigFile /home/lucky/working/src/waveman2disk/trigmsg

# SaveSCNL - List SCNLs to save in the interactive mode. The user
# will specify start and end time
# required only if InputMethod is interactive.
#SaveSCNL * EHZ MB *

# OPTIONAL - specify StartTime and Duration for the interactive
# trace request. If these are not specified, waveman2disk will
# prompt the user for them.
# StartTime Format: yyyymmddhhmmss

StartTime 19990804140000
Duration 60

# Setup for WaveServers we'll interrogate:
# list of ip addresses and ports of the WaveServers we're to use
WaveServer aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd 16022

# If a WaveServer doesn't talk to us in this
# many seconds, we'll abort that request
# NOTE: If you are requesting large blocks of time, e.g
# in the tank mode, you will want to set this value to
# something quite high - longer than the time interval
# requested.

#TimeoutSeconds 30
TimeoutSeconds 500

# Sizes of trace memory. Determines how much memory we'll try to grab
# Max number of traces we'll ever see in one event
MaxTraces 100

# largest trace snippet we'll ever have to deal with
# in bytes/1000.
# NOTE: if you intend to produce PC-SUDS files for viewing
# with sudsplot viewer, you will want to keep this number
# low (around 1000) because of sudsplot's memory limitations
TraceBufferLen 1000

# number of sample periods to declare a gap
GapThresh 20

# SCNL list of stations to write for each trigger message, these get
# written in addition to scn's in the trigger message, or
# those listed in SaveSCN section
# This is OPTIONAL and only meaningful in triglist mode
TrigStation GCMT EHZ MB --
TrigStation BZMT EHZ MB *
# Minimum length duration (in integer seconds) for stations in StationFile
MinDuration 60
# format of data output (sac, ah, suds, seisan, gse, and tank are currently supported)
# output base directory for trigger files
# subdirectory is made in this directory
#DataFormat suds
#OutDir "/home/earthworm/SUDS"
DataFormat sac
OutDir "c:\earthworm\SAC"
# AH
#DataFormat ah
#OutDir "/home/earthworm/AH"
#DataFormat seisan
#OutDir "/home/earthworm/seisan"
#DataFormat gse_int
#OutDir "/home/earthworm/gse_int"
# Tankplayer
#DataFormat tank
#OutDir "./tanks/"
# Mini-SEED
# Mini-SEED output format is currently only available on Solaris
#DataFormat mseed
#OutDir "/earthworm/data/mseed"
# PSN4
# NOTE PSN4 output format is only avialable for WINDOWS!
# a station.lst file must also exist in the EW_PARAMS directory too (see example in docs)
#DataFormat psn4
#OutDir "c:\earthworm\psn4"

# NOTE WFDISC output format is only avialable for Linux!
#DataFormat wfdisc
#OutDir "/home/earthworm/wfdisc_ouput"

# Specify on what platform the output files will be used:
# intel or sparc - with this information, files will be written out
# in the correct byte order.
OutputFormat sparc


This file must be located in the EW_PARAMS directory to be used.

#w_location directory
#Allows you to specify a different directory than the wfdisc saved directory
#You can specify a relative or absolute path here
w_location ./w
#calib station channel chanid calib calper instype segtype
calib I59H1  BDF              1         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
calib I59H1  LWS              2         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
calib I59H1  LWD              3         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
calib I59H1  LKO              4         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
calib I59H2  BDF              5         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
calib I59H3  BDF              6         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
calib I59H4  BDF              7         1.000000         1.000000 Geotec   d
#wfdisc_spec output_dir station channel
#These commands are processed in the order written
#So if a more general line is above a more specific line,
#The more specific line will have no effect.
#For wildcard use the * symbol
#output_dir can be no longer than 8 characters long
#wfdisc_spec test I59H1 *
#wfdisc_spec test2 * *
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