statrigfilter Configuration File

(last revised 1 June 2006)

statrigfilter is a station trigger filtering module designed to prevent duplicate triggers. Below is a copy of the .d file with detailed notes on each parameter

# statrigfilter configuration file

# Basic Earthworm setup:
MyModuleId MOD_STATRIGFILTER # module id for this instance of statrigfilter
InRing PICK_RING # shared memory ring for input
OutRing FILTERPICK_RING # shared memory ring for output
HeartbeatInt 30 # seconds between heartbeats
LogFile 1 # 0 log to stderr/stdout only
# 1 log to stderr/stdout and to disk file
# 2 log to disk file only
Debug 1

# List the message logos to grab from InRing, WILDCARDs permitted.
# Multiple "GetLogo" commands are allowed, with no hardcoded limit.
# Installation Module Message Types

# Trigger Filtering Parameters
TriggerHistory 5 # Keep track of this many triggers which have
# made it thru the filter for each station.

TimeTolerance 2.0 # If trigger times are within this many seconds of
# each other, they are "duplicates."

OlderTrigAllowed 1 # 0=reject any non-duplicate trigger whose
# timestamp is earlier than the youngest
# passed trigger for this station.
# 1=accept a non-duplicate trigger whose timestamp
# is earlier than the youngest passed trigger,
# but place a limit on how old it can be.
# Must also use the "OlderTrigLimit" command.
# 2=accept any non-duplicate trigger whose
# timestamp is earlier than the youngest
# passed trigger.

OlderTrigLimit 10 # Required only if OlderTrigAllowed = 1
# Accept an trigger whose timestamp is between
# TimeTolerance and OlderTrigLimit sec
# earlier than the youngest passed trigger
# from this station.

# List of Allowed Components
# If you want ALL component codes to be eligible to pass thru
# statrigfilter, comment out all "AllowComponent" commands.
# If you want to limit which component codes pass thru statrigfilter,
# use one "AllowComponent" command for each allowed component code.
#AllowComponent VDZ
#AllowComponent VHZ
#AllowComponent VLZ
#AllowComponent SHZ
#AllowComponent SLZ
#AllowComponent EHZ
#AllowComponent HHZ
#AllowComponent BHZ
#AllowComponent DP1
#AllowComponent DP2
#AllowComponent DP3
#AllowComponent EP1
#AllowComponent EP2
#AllowComponent EP3

# Optional commands:
MaxMessageSize 128 # length (bytes) of largest msg to be processed
# from InRing. Default=MAX_BYTES_PER_EQ

UseOriginalLogo 1 # 0 apply statrigfilter's logo to any msgs that
# pass the filter test (normal Earthworm behavior)
# non-zero means apply the original logo to any
# messages that pass the filter test. This
# also requires that InRing and OutRing be
# different to avoid "missed message" or
# "sequence gap" storms in trigger-reading modules..
Module Index | statrigfilter Overview

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