# This is runwws's Parameter File when running the Waveserver component of Winston # Basic Earthworm setup # --------------------- MyModuleId MOD_RUN_WWS # Module id for this instance of runwws RingName HYPO_RING # Ring for heartbeats HeartbeatInt 30 # Seconds between heartbeats to statmgr LogFile 1 # 0 = turn off disk log file; # 1 = turn on disk log # 2 = write disk log but not to stderr/stdout # PipeTo: Send output to a child program started with the following command. # Do not use the --noinput option, because it causes the child process to # ignore requests to shut down politely. # # To use this PipeTo command with the Winston included with Earthworm: # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\lib to %EW_PARAMS%\wws-lib # (note 'lib' is renamed 'wws-lib') # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\WWS.config to %EW_PARAMS%\wws.d # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\ImportEW.config to %EW_PARAMS%\imp-wws.d # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\Winston.config to %EW_PARAMS%\winston.d # edit wws.d and imp-wws.d and change references of Winston.config to winston.d # # Go ahead and configure MySQL and Winston as appropriate. These pages may be # helpful with that, though keep in mind the new names we have for WWS.config, # ImportEW.config and Winston.config: # http://www.avo.alaska.edu/Software/winston/W_Manual_SR.html # http://www.avo.alaska.edu/Software/winston/W_Manual_TUT.html # http://www.avo.alaska.edu/Software/winston/W_Manual_CF.html # # If for some reason you want to keep the .config names instead you can remove the # .d filenames from the end of the PipeTo command. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PipeTo "java -Xrs -cp wws-lib/winston.jar gov.usgs.winston.in.ew.ImportEW imp-wws.d" PipeTo "java -cp wws-lib/winston.jar gov.usgs.winston.server.WWS wws.d" # ChildWaitTime: After asking the WWS java process to exit, runwws waits # ChildWaitTime milliseconds for the child process to die. If doesn't # die in this amount of time, runwws forcibly terminates the child process. # # Note that this expects the java program we're asking to quit to quit # gracefully given the 'q' command. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ChildWaitTime 5000
# This is runwws's run_import_ew Parameter File for Importing into MySQL # Basic Earthworm setup # --------------------- MyModuleId MOD_RUN_IMP_WWS # Module id for this instance of runwws RingName HYPO_RING # Ring send heartbeats to, and to listen to HeartbeatInt 30 # Seconds between heartbeats to statmgr LogFile 1 # 0 = turn off disk log file; # 1 = turn on disk log # 2 = write disk log but not to stderr/stdout # PipeTo: Send output to a child program started with the following command. # Do not use the --noinput option, because it causes the child process to # ignore requests to shut down politely. # # To use this PipeTo command with the Winston included with Earthworm: # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\lib to %EW_PARAMS%\wws-lib # (note 'lib' is renamed 'wws-lib') # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\WWS.config to %EW_PARAMS%\wws.d # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\ImportEW.config to %EW_PARAMS%\imp-wws.d # Copy src\archiving\Winston1.1\Winston.config to %EW_PARAMS%\winston.d # edit wws.d and imp-wws.d and change references of Winston.config to winston.d # # Go ahead and configure MySQL and Winston as appropriate. These pages may be # helpful with that, though keep in mind the new names we have for WWS.config, # ImportEW.config and Winston.config: # http://www.avo.alaska.edu/Software/winston/W_Manual_SR.html # http://www.avo.alaska.edu/Software/winston/W_Manual_TUT.html # http://www.avo.alaska.edu/Software/winston/W_Manual_CF.html # # If for some reason you want to keep the .config names instead you can remove the # .d filenames from the end of the PipeTo command. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PipeTo "java -Xrs -cp wws-lib/winston.jar gov.usgs.winston.in.ew.ImportEW imp-wws.d" #PipeTo "java -cp wws-lib/winston.jar gov.usgs.winston.server.WWS wws.d" # ChildWaitTime: After asking the WWS java process to exit, runwws waits # ChildWaitTime milliseconds for the child process to die. If doesn't # die in this amount of time, runwws forcibly terminates the child process. # # Note that this expects the java program we're asking to quit to quit # gracefully given the 'q' command. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ChildWaitTime 5000