pickwasher Configuration File Commands

(last revised March 31, 2007)
Page Index:
1. Example configuration file
2. Alphabetic command listing & description

pickwasher is the pick message converter. Converts TYPE_PICK_SCNL to TYPE_PICK_GLOBAL. There are no optional commands.

On startup, pickwasher reads the configuration file named on the command-line. All commands are required. Any TYPE_PICK_SCNL found on the configured input ring will be converted to TYPE_PICK_GLOBAL and place on the configured output ring. In the control file, lines may begin with a valid pickwasher command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:

#  marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).
@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be accessed from another with the command "@" followed by a string representing the path name of the next control file (example: @model.d).
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!).


#   pickwasher configuration file
 MyModuleId     MOD_PICKWASHER  # module id for this program
 InRing         PICK_RING       # transport ring to use for input
 OutRing        PICK_RING       # transport ring to use for output
 HeartBeatInt   30              # EW internal heartbeat interval (sec)
 LogFile        1               # If 0, don't write logfile
                                # If 1, write to module log and stderr/stdout
                                # If 2, write to module log but not stderr/stdout
 MaxMsgSize     128             # maximum size (bytes) for input/output msgs
 RingSize       50              # number of msgs to buffer
# end pickwasher config file


In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are its arguments (in red) and a description of the command. There are no default values so if you configure the command without arguments, all messages fail.

HeartBeatInt  Seconds 
Required command to define number of seconds between heartbeats placed on OutRing.

InRing  RingName  
Read messages from this ring.

LogFile  int  
If set to 1, turn on logging. If set to 0, turn it off.

MaxMsgSize  bytes 
Maximum size in bytes for input/output msgs.

MyModuleId  name 
name is the instance of this module and must be defined in earthworm.d

OutRing  RingName 
Outgoing messages get written to RingName.

RingSize  int  
Number of messages from InRing to buffer.

Module Index | pickwasher Overview

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