Below are the commands recognized by nll_mgr, grouped by the function they
influence. All of the commands are required; they must be specified in the
configuration file in order for nll_mgr to operate.
In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed
in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are
its arguments (in red), the name of the subroutine that processes the
command, and the function within the module that the command influences.
A detailed description of the command and is also given. Default values
and the values used by Calnet are listed after each command description.
# nll_mgr's Configuration File
MyModuleId MOD_EQPRELIM_NLL # module id to label outgoing messages with.
# Note: nll_mgr is part of a mega-module which is
# ultimately started by the program eqproc. All
# child processes of this mega-module need to use the
# same module id (thus use eqproc's module id).
RingName HYPO_RING # The transport ring to write output to,
LogFile 2 # 0=no log; 1=errors; 2=errors and hypocenters
SourceCode W # character to label summary cards with to
# identify them as coming from Earthworm
NllCtrlFile /ew/nll/
# NLL control file name with full path (see -> Control File)
# This files must exist.
# (The NLL LOCFILES statement will be overwritten by nll_mgr)
NllStaFile /ew/nll/
# NLL file containing station coordinates in NLL GTSRCE format
# This file must exist.
# Use an existing, empty file if station GTSRCE statements
# are inside NllCtrlFile
NllTimePath /ew/nll/taup/ak135/ak135
# NLL travel-time grid files path/root (see NLL LOCFILES statement)
# These files must exist.
NllTimeSwap 1 # iSwapBytesOnInput value from NLL LOCFILES statement
# (0 = NO, 1 = YES) flag to indicate if hi and low
# bytes of input time grid files should be swapped. Allows reading of travel time
# grids generated with a different binary, floating point byte order than on the
# computer running EW.
NllOutPath /ew/nll/out/nll_mgr0
# NLL output file path without NLL "root name"
# This directory must exist.
# IMPORTANT! - this path should be different from
# the path used by any other
# instances of modules containing nll_mgr.
# NLL output to this path will only be overwritten
# by output from subsequent events with same output name
# (i.e. same first phase time).
An example command line to start nll_mgr may look like this:
nll_mgr nll_mgr.d
argv[0] argv[1]
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this
document (upper/lower case matters!).
# marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).
@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be
accessed from another with the command "@" followed by
a string representing the path name of the next control file
(example: @model.d).
Earthworm system setup:
MyModuleId required
RingName required
Output Control:
LogFile required
SourceCode required
NonLinLoc specific:
NllCtrlFile required
NllStaFile required
NllTimePath required
NllTimeSwap required
NllOutPath required
command arg1 processed by function
LogFile switch nll_mgr_config output
Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch
is 0, no log file will be written. If switch is non-zero, nll_mgr
will write daily log file(s) called nll_mgrxx.log_yymmdd where xx is
nll_mgr's module id (set with "MyModuleId" command) and yymmdd is the
current UTC date (ex: 960123) on the system clock. The file(s) will
be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable). The level
of output written to the file is controlled by the value of switch:
switch = 0 no log file is written
1 write errors to log file
2 write errors and hypocenters to log file
Default: none
MyModuleId mod_id nll_mgr_config Earthworm setup
Sets the module id for labeling all outgoing messages. mod_id is
a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that
relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique single-byte number.
NOTE: nll_mgr is part of a mega-module which is ultimately started
by the program eqproc. All sub-modules of this megamodule should be
given the same module id.
Default: none Calnet: MyModuleId MOD_EQPROC
NllCtrlFile filename nll_mgr_config NonLinLoc
NLL control file name with full path. The specified file must exist. This control statements in this file will be used by NLL when called from EW, except for certain control statements (including LOCFILES) which are automatically set or use parameters from the other nll_mgr configuration file NonLinLoc commands. See -> Control File for a complete description of NLL control file format and statements.
Default: none Example: NllCtrlFile /ew/nll/
NllOutPath label nll_mgr_config NonLinLoc
NLL output file path without NLL "root name" (see NLL LOCFILES statement). This directory must exist. IMPORTANT! - this path should be different from the path used by any other instances of modules containing nll_mgr. NLL output to this path will only be overwritten by output from subsequent events with same output name (i.e. same first phase time).
Default: none Example: NllOutPath /ew/nll/out/nll_mgr0
NllStaFile filename nll_mgr_config NonLinLoc
NLL file containing station coordinates in NLL GTSRCE format. This file must exist. Use an existing, empty file if all station GTSRCE statements are in the file specified by NllCtrlFile. NLL will only use stations whose coordinates are specified by a GRSRCE statement (usually NLL GLOBAL mode location) or for which individaul station travel-time grid files exist on the NllTimePath (usually NLL non-GLOBAL mode location).
Default: none Example: NllStaFile /ew/nll/
NllTimePath label nll_mgr_config NonLinLoc
NLL travel-time grid files path/root (see NLL LOCFILES statement). These files must exist. For NLL GLOBAL mode location there will normally be travel-time grid files for each phase type, for NLL non-GLOBAL mode location, there will normally be a travel-time grid file for each station, either P phase only or P and S phase.
Default: none Example: NllTimePath /ew/nll/taup/ak135/ak135
NllTimeSwap label nll_mgr_config NonLinLoc
iSwapBytesOnInput value from NLL LOCFILES statement. (0 = NO, 1 = YES) flag to indicate if hi and low bytes of input time grid files should be swapped. Allows reading of travel time grids generated with a different binary, floating point byte order than on the computer running EW.
Default: none Example: NllTimeSwap 0
RingName ring nll_mgr_config Earthworm setup
Tells nll_mgr which shared memory region to use for output.
ring is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d)
that relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique number for the key to the
shared memory region.
Default: none Calnet: RingName HYPO_RING
SourceCode label nll_mgr_config miscellaneous
Reads in a single character label to write in column 80 of the
hypo71-format summary messages output by nll_mgr. This label
identifies the source of the hypocenter as the Earthworm system.
These summary messages are placed on the output shared memory region.
Default: none Calnet: SourceCode W
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