# # import_gen_pasv configuration file # # The intent is that specific import_xxx modules can be cloned from this. # This program includes a site-specific routine "import_filter" which # determines what to do with the received messages. The default # "import_filter" routine assumes that the message originated from # an "export_gen_pasv" with a default "export_filter" routine: That routine # attaches the logo of the originating message as the first nine characters # (3 groups of 3) of the outgoing message, and exports it. # The local "import_filter" removes this logo from the message, decodes it, # and broadcasts the message onto its ring under this logo. MyModuleId MOD_IMPORT_GEN_PASV # module id for this import, RingName WAVE_RING # transport ring to use for input/output, HeartBeatInt 30 # internal heartbeat interval in seconds # LogFile 1 # If 0, don't write logfile at all, MaxMsgSize 65000 # max size (bytes) for input/output msgs # Note: Messages are assumed to terminate with two newline '\n\n' # characters. The '\n\n' are both removed, and replaced by a zero byte. # Someday this should be an option defined in this file... # Note: If an oversized message is received, it will be discarded, the # socket will be closed, log an error, and it will connect and try # again. This might flood the log file if all incoming messages are # too long. Maybe it should terminate instead... MyAliveString "RCValive" # heartbeat text to foreign server machine MyAliveInt 120 # seconds between alive msgs sent to server # 0 => no alive messages to sending machine ReceiverIpAdr # Import data through this ethernet card ReceiverPort 16005 # IP port to set up for connections ### Sender description follows: SenderIpAdr # The IP address of the export host SenderHeartRate 60 # Sender's heart beat interval in seconds # 0 => no heartbeat expected SenderHeartText "SNDalive" # Sender's heartbeat text SocketTimeout 60000 # Timeout for Socket_ew calls in mili secs # Should be atleast the SenderHeartRate HeartbeatDebug 0 # Optional: 1 = to get heartbeat debug msgs. SocketDebug 0 # Optional: 1 = to get socket debug msgs.