Import_ida Configuration File

(last revised 17 March 1998)

# @(#)import_ida.d	1.1 12/26/97
# import_ida parameter file

#  Basic Earthworm setup:

MyModuleId         MOD_IMPORT_IDA # module id for this process
OutRing            WAVE_RING      # output ring
HeartBeatInterval  30             # seconds between heartbeats

# We need to assign unique pin numbers to each net/sta/chan triple that
# gets sent to the output ring.  Give the name of the file that contains
# this information.  The format of this file must be the same as what
# pick_ew expects.  You can create your own file with IDA specific
# entries (see ida.sta for an example), or you can add the required 
# information to the pick_ew station file.  The picker parameters are
# not required here, and as far as this program is concerned those fields
# may be left blank.

PinnoFile          ida.sta

# It is up to the user to insure that there are entries in the above file
# for all expected net/sta/chan triples, however the program will work even
# if the database is incomplete.  In such a case, an unresolved net/sta/chan
# will be assigned a default pin number of 12345.  You can override this
# default by specifying an alternate value.

DefaultPinno       12345

# Define the policy to follow when reconnecting after circuit timeouts.
# There are two choices: MINIMAL_GAP, or MINIMAL_DELAY.  If the former
# is selected then the program will request the flow start at the end of
# whatever has been received so far.  If the latter is selected then the
# program will request the flow start with the most recent packet available
# on the server.

Policy             MINIMAL_DELAY

# The network code for Project IDA stations is II, and that is the default
# code which gets loaded into the packet headers.  If you want to override
# this with some other code, enter it here.

Network            II

# List the server(s) and stream(s) that are desired.
# The station channel specifications should follow the syntax
# described in
# You can give either the fully qualified host name, or its IP address
# in the usual decmial dot notation (eg, 111.22.333.44)
#          Hostname              Station/channel list

server        nna:bhz+pfo:bhz+sur:bhz

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