geojson2ew Configuration File Commands

(last revised April 24, 2015)

Page Index:
1. Example configuration file
Functional command listing
Alphabetic command listing & description
Descriptor file example

On startup, geojson2ew reads the configuration file named on the command line. As always, the configuration file contains comments:

#  marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).

Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!).


# geojson2ew configuration file
# This code receives geoJSON records from an AMQP server, converts them into
# Earthworm trace buf messages, and stuffs them into a wave ring.
ModuleId MOD_GEOJSON2EW # module id for this import,
RingName WAVE_RING # transport ring to use for input/output,

HeartbeatInt 10 # Heartbeat interval in seconds
# this should match the geojson2ew.desc heartbeat!

LogFile 1 # If 0, don't write logfile;; if 1, do
# if 2, log to module log but not stderr/stdout

PORT 5672
QUEUENAME Results2Earthworm
USERNAME seismic
PASSWORD secret    MAP_SNCL       properties.SNCL  MAP_TIME       properties.time  MAP_SAMPLERATE properties.sampleRate
 # Map channels  #               channelCode jsonPath multiplier condition  MAP_CHAN N features[*].geometry.coordinates[0] 1e6 properties.coordinateType=NEU  MAP_CHAN E features[*].geometry.coordinates[1] 1e6 properties.coordinateType=NEU  MAP_CHAN Z features[*].geometry.coordinates[2] 1e6 properties.coordinateType=NEU  MAP_CHAN Q features[*].properties.quality 1  MAP_CHAN 1 features[*].properties.EError 1e6  MAP_CHAN 2 features[*].properties.NError 1e6  MAP_CHAN 3 features[*].properties.UError 1e6  MAP_CHAN 4 features[*].properties.ENCovar 1e6  MAP_CHAN 5 features[*].properties.EUCovar 1e6  MAP_CHAN 6 features[*].properties.NUCovar 1e6


Below are the configure commands recognized by geojson2ew, grouped by the function they influence.

Earthworm system setup:
ModuleId               required
RingName               required
HeartbeatInt           required

Output Control:
LogFile           required
HOST                   required
PORT                   required
QUEUENAME              required
USERNAME               required
PASSWORD               required
MAP_SNCL               required
MAP_TIME               required
MAP_SAMPLERATE         required
MAP_CHAN               required 


In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are its arguments (in red), the name of the subroutine that processes the command, and the function within the module that the command influences. A detailed description of the command and is also given. Default and example values are listed after each command description.

 command arg1                         processed by           function 

HOST url                              main                   Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the host for the AMQP server.

 Default:  none

HeartbeatInt beat                     HeartBeat              Earthworm setup          

Beat the geojson2ew heart every beat seconds. This is implemented as a separate thread in geojson2ew.

Default:  none
Example: 10

LogFile switch                        GetConfig              Earthworm Setup          

Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch is 0, no log file will be written. If switch is 1, geojson2ew will write a daily log file(s) called geojson2ewxx.log_yymmdd where xx is geojson2ew's module id (set with "ModuleId" command) and yymmdd is the current UTC date (ex: 960123) on the system clock. The file(s) will be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable).

 Default:  none
Example: 1

MAP_CHAN cc jsonpath m c              geojson_map            Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the Channel Code, json path, Multiplier and optionally the Condition for the channel mapping. If the condition is not specified then all matches are used.

Default:  none
Example: N features[*].geometry.coordinates[0] 1e6 properties.coordinateType=NEU

MAP_SAMPLERATE jsonpath               geojson_process	       Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the json path for the sample rate mapping.

Default:  none
Example: properties.sampleRate

MAP_SNCL jsonpath                     geojson_process        Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the json path for the SNCL mapping.

Default:  none
Example: properties.SNCL

MAP_TIME jsonpath                     geojson_process        Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the json path for the time mapping.

Default:  none

ModuleId mod_id                       GetConfig              Earthworm setup          

Sets the module id for labeling all outgoing messages. mod_id is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique single-byte number.

 Default:  none 

PASSWORD password                     main                   Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the password for the AMQP server.

Default:  none
Example: secret

PORT number                           main                   Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the port number for the AMQP server.

Default:  none
Example: 5672

QUEUENAME queuename                   main                   Main geojson2ew Thread          

This command is used to define the queue name for the AMQP server.

Default:  none
Example: Results2Earthworm

RingName ring                         GetConfig              Earthworm setup          

This is the ring into which the waveforms and messages are sent.

Default:  none
Example: SCN_RING

USERNAME username                     main                   Main geojson2ew Thread   

This command is used to define the user name for the AMQP server.

Default:  none


Here is a copy of the geojson2ew.desc file as implemented. Note that all causes of death for geojson2ew feed through the function geojson2ew_die() which logs all causes of death using logit() and sends a message to the statmgr utility.

modName  geojson2ew

restartMe # restart this sucker as it is critical to data collection
# Heartbeat Specification. If the status manager does not receive
# a heartbeat message every <tsec> seconds from this module, an
# error will be reported (client module dead). <page> is the maximum
# number of pager messages that will be reported and <mail> is the
# maximum number of email messages that will be reported. If the
# page or mail limit is exceeded, no further errors will be reported
# until the status manager is restarted.
tsec: 20 page: 0 mail: 99

# these are the statmgr messages that geojson2ew will send before dieing
err: 1 nerr: 1 tsec: 0 page: 5 mail: 20
text: "AMQP server error caused geojson2ew to die"
err: 2 nerr: 1 tsec: 0 page: 5 mail: 20
text: "SIGNAL caused geojson2ew to die"
err: 3 nerr: 1 tsec: 0 page: 5 mail: 20
text: "EW tport_putmsg() failed, geojson2ew dead"
err: 4 nerr: 1 tsec: 0 page: 5 mail: 20
text: "EW TERMINATE recv'd, geojson2ew dead"
err: 5 nerr: 1 tsec: 0 page: 5 mail: 20
text: "EW config problems on startup, geojson2ew dead"
err: 6 nerr: 1 tsec: 0 page: 5 mail: 20
text: "geoJSON parsing errors"

Module Index | geojson2ew Overview

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