file2ew Configuration File

(last revised June 1, 2006)

file2ew is a  utility for reading in messages from a file (in binary form) and injecting them into a ring.

Below is a copy of the .d file with detailed notes on each parameter

# file2ew.d
# Picks up files from a specified directory, converts the contents
# to an Earthworm message and places it into a message ring. The type
# of message produced is configurable by the suffix of the filename.
# Option to save (to subdir ./save) or delete the file afterwards.
# If it has trouble converting a file, it saves it to subdir ./trouble.
# Maintains its own local heartbeat and also monitors the peer's
# heartbeat via a file. Complains if the peer's expected heartbeat
# interval is exceeded; announces resumption of peer's heartbeat.

# Basic Module information
MyModuleId MOD_FILE2EW # module id
RingName HYPO_RING # shared memory ring for output
HeartBeatInterval 30 # seconds between heartbeats to statmgr

LogFile 1 # 0 log to stderr/stdout only;
# 1 log to stderr/stdout and disk;
# 2 log to disk module log only.

Debug 0 # 1=> debug output. 0=> no debug output

# Data file manipulation
GetFromDir c:\incoming_files # look for files in this directory
CheckPeriod 1 # sleep this many seconds between looks
OpenTries 5 # How many times we'll try to open a file
OpenWait 200 # Milliseconds to wait between open tries
SaveDataFiles 1 # 0 = remove files after processing
# non-zero = move files to save subdir
# after processing
LogOutgoingMsg 0 # If non-zero, write contents of each
# outgoing msg to the daily log.

# Peer (remote partner) heartbeat manipulation
PeerHeartBeatFile terra1 HEARTBT.TXT 600
# PeerHeartBeatFile takes 3 arguments:
# 1st: Name of remote system that is
# sending the heartbeat files.
# 2nd: Name of the heartbeat file.
# 3rd: maximum #seconds between heartbeat
# files. If no new PeerHeartBeatFile arrives
# in this many seconds, an error message will
# be sent. An "unerror message" will be
# sent after next heartbeat file arrives
# If 0, expect no heartbeat files.
# Some remote systems may have multiple
# heartbeat files; list each one in a
# seperate PeerHeartBeatFile command
# (up to 5 allowed).

PageOnLostPeer technician # Optional command: Name of group to page
# if PeerHeartBeatFile is late. This allows
# pages to be sent to groups other than
# those listed in statmgr.d. Up to 5
# PageOnLostPeer commands can be used.
# Must run telafeeder on same system to
# actually get the pages sent.

LogHeartBeatFile 1 # If non-zero, write contents of each
# heartbeat file to the daily log.

# Commands specific to file2ew

MaxSuffixType 5 # Optional command. Set the maximum number
# of file suffix/message type pairs to
# configure here (default=5)

# The filename suffix will determine the Earthworm message type
# (and optionally the Earthworm installation id) that file2ew will
# use when placing the contents of the file into the Earthworm ring.
# If the installation is ommitted, file2ew will use the local
# installation id.

# suffix EW MsgType EW Installation (optional)
# ------ ---------------- --------------------------
SuffixType .arc TYPE_HYP2000ARC

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