Ewthresh Configuration File
(last revised 28 April, 2011)
# ewthresh Configuration File
MyModuleId MOD_EWTHRESH # module id for this program
InRing TEST_RING # transport ring to use for input
OutRing HYPO_RING # transport ring to use for output
HeartBeatInt 30 # EW internal heartbeat interval (sec)
LogFile 1 # If 0, don't write logfile; if 1, do
# if 2, write to module log but not to
# stderr/stdout
MaxMsgSize 4096 # maximum size (bytes) for input/output msgs
Threshold 0202 BHZ QT TT 749.0 # SCNL to monitor & threshold to look for
# ThreshVotes NumTrig TimeSpanSeconds PreEventSeconds NumSCNLs SCNL1 SCNL2 ...
# Generate a triglist message whenever NumTrig alarms occur within TimeSpanSecconds
# Time of message is PreEventSeconds before first trigger; listed SCNLs are included
# ThreshVotes 10 300 30 2 SSSS CCC NN LL ssss ccc nn ll
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