Earthworm Modules:
ewhtmlreport Configuration File Commands

(last revised October 27, 2012)
Page Index:
1. Example configuration file
2. Functional command listing
3. Alphabetic command listing & description
4. Standalone mode

On startup, ewhtmlemail reads the configuration file named on the command line. Commands in this file set up all parameters. In the control file, lines may begin with a valid ewhtmlreport command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:

#  marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).

@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be
accessed from another with the command "@" followed by
a string representing the path name of the next control file
(example: @pick_ew.d).
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!).


 MyModuleId     MOD_EWHTMLREPORT       # This instance of ewhtmlreport
 InRing         HYPO_RING              # Transport ring to send heartbeat messages
 HeartbeatInt   30                     # Heartbeat interval in seconds
 LogFile        1                      # If 0. don't write logfile; if 1. do
 Debug          1                      # If 1, print debugging msgs
 MaxMessageSize 16384                  # Maximum size of HYP2000ARC or MAGNITUDE files
 site_file      memphis2.hinv          # hypoinverse file to locate stations
 ArcFolder      arc                    # Folder where HYP2000ARC files are stored
 MagFolder      mag                    # Folder where MAGNITUDE files are stored
 HTMLFile       temp/report            # Folder and file format of html reports
 ReportInt      1                      # Interval between reports, in days
 ReportTime     -1                     # UTC time of the report 0 - 23. -1 means send at start time
 ReportPeriod   200                    # Number of days considered for each report
                                       # Beware that this amy lead to VERY large files
 MaxDist        10                     # Maximum distance in km considered for the average event count per station (10)


Below are the commands recognized by ewhtmlreport, grouped by the function they influence. Not all of the commands are required and they may be specified in any order.

	Earthworm system setup:
+		MyModuleId	Module id (mandatory)
+		InRing		Shared memory region for input (mandatory)
+		HeartBeatInt 	Interval between heartbeats (mandatory)
+		MaxMessageSize 	Maximum size of HYP2000ARC or MAGNITUDE files

+		site_file 	Hypoinverse stations file (mandatory)
+		HTMLFile 	Output folder and prefix for html report (mandatory)
+		ArcFolder 	Folder of HYP2000ARC files (mandatory)
+		MagFolder 	Folder of MAGNITUDE files (optional)
+		HTMLBaseFile	HTML file used as base for the html reports (mandatory)
+		ReportInt	Interval in days between reports (optional)
+		ReportTime	UTC time when each report is generated (mandatory)
+		ReportPeriod	Period of time considered for the generation of each report, in days
+		MaxDist		Maximum distance to consider for local average event count (optional)

	Output Control:
+		LogFile		Log flag (mandatory)
+		Debug		Debugging flag (optional)


In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are its arguments (in red), the name of the subroutine that processes the command, and the function within the module that the command influences. A detailed description of the command and is also given.

command arg1				processed by		function

ArcFolder folder				config			ScanArcFolder		
Sets the location of a folder containing one or more HYP2000ARC files. Each file should contain a single HYP2000ARC message.

Default:	none
Sample:		ArcFolder arc

Debug flag				config			output		
Sets a flag to control the volume of debugging information output by ewhtmlemail. If flag is zero, no debug info is written. If flag is non-zero, debug information is written to the logfile and screen.

Default:	0
Sample:		Debug 0

HeartBeatInt nsec			config			earthworm setup
Defines the number of seconds, nsec, between TYPE_HEARTBEAT messages issued by ewhtmlreport.

Default:	none
Sample:		HeartBeatInt 30

HTMLBaseFile filename			PrintHTMLReport			Processing		
File containing the base html file used to generate the html reports. This file can be found in the src folder and contains the required html and javascript to produce a dataless report that is then populated with the event data from the HYP2000ARC files.

Default:	none
Sample:		HTMLBaseFile  ewhtmlreport.html

HTMLFile filename			PrintHTMLReport			Processing		
Base name for the html files generated by ewhtmlreport. The actual filenames will be given by "filenameyyyymmddHHMMSS.html".

Default:	none
Sample:		HTMLFile  home/earthworm/events/rep

InRing ring				config			earthworm setup		
Tells ewhtmlreport which shared memory region to place heartbeat messages.

Default:	none
Sample:		InRing HYPO_RING

LogFile switch				config			output
Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch is 0, no log file will be written. If switch is 1, ewhtmlreport will write a daily log file(s) called ewhtmlreportxx.log_yymmdd where xx is statmgr's module id (set with "MyModuleId" command) and yymmdd is the current UTC date (ex: 960123) on the system clock. The file(s) will be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable).

Default:	none
Sample:		LogFile 0

MagFolder folder				config			ScanArcFolder		
Sets the location of a folder containing one or more MAGNITUDE files. Each file should contain a single MAGNITUDE message.

Default:	none
Sample:		MagFolder mag

MaxDist dist				PrintHTMLReport		output		
ewhtmlreport produces among other things, a chart with the event count per station. In order to verify if that event count is consistent with the surrounding stations, it also computes an average event count of all the stations within a radius dist km of each station, refered as the local average event count.

Default:	10
Sample:		MaxDist  20

MaxMessageSize size			ScanArcFolder		Processing		
Specifies the maximum size in bytes of the HYP2000ARC and MAGNITUDE files to retrieve from the ArcFolder and MagFolder, respectively. Note that HYP2000ARC messages may be very large.

Default:	40000
Sample:		MaxMessageSize  40000

MyModuleId mod_id			config			earthworm setup		
Sets the module id. mod_id is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique single-byte number. If more than one ewhtmlemail is running at the same time, they must be given different module ids!

Default:	none

ReportInt rint			main			processing		
ReportInt sets the interval between consecutive reports as rint days.

Default:	1
Sample:		ReportInt  10

ReportPeriod rper			main			processing		
ReportPeriod sets the time interval (rper in days) considered for the generation of each report. Hence, each report will use a time interval ending at the instant of its generation and starting rper days before. Note that if rper is very high, the generated reports can be very large, reaching several hundreds of kB each. Hence this command should be used with moderation.

Default:	60
Sample:		ReportPeriod  30

ReportTime rtime			main			processing		
ReportTime sets the UTC time at which the reports will be generated. Setting rtime to -1 sets the generation of a reports at the start time, for debugging.

Default:	none
Sample:		ReportTime  8

site_file filename			process_message			Processing		
Enters site codes and station locations into the site table by reading a HYPOINVERSE format station file called filename. In this file, stations are described by a 5-letter site name, a 2-letter network code and a 3-letter component code. The picker and binder must also be using this station-naming convention. The format of the file is described under "HYPOINVERSE STATION FILE FOR FULL 12-LETTER (S-N-C-L) CHANNEL NAMES".

Default:	none
Sample:		site_file  cvarg.hinv


Ewhtmlreport can operate as a standalone module. Type ewhtmlreport for the available commands.

Module Index | ewhtmlreport Overview

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