Ewaccel Configuration File

(last revised 8 June, 2011)
#         ewaccel Configuration File
 MyModuleId     MOD_EWACCEL     # module id for this program
 InRing         TEST_RING           # transport ring to use for input
 OutRing        HYPO_RING           # transport ring to use for output
 HeartBeatInt   30                  # EW internal heartbeat interval (sec)
 LogFile        1                   # If 0, don't write logfile; if 1, do
                                    # if 2, write to module log but not to
                                    # stderr/stdout
 MaxMsgSize     4096          # maximum size (bytes) for input/output msgs

 DefaultConversion	0.0004673	# Optional default floor conversion value;
 								# MUST be provided BEFORE any Floor or
 								# GroundFloor command that is to use it

# Floor definitions
#   Each specifies the mass, SCNL & conversion factor for that Floor
#   There must be exactly 1 ground floor
 GroundFloor 100 5405 HNE NP GS

#   There can be an arbitrary number of non-ground floors, but each must have
#   a distinct identifier (first arg to Floor command)
 Floor XE_floor 100 5405 HNN NP XE

 BaseShearThreshold 70	# force threshold to trigger alarm

 AvgWindow   2                # Number of seconds of data to use to compute

 HighPassFreq        0.075    # Cutoff frequency for high pass filter
 HighPassOrder       4        # Order for high pass filter

# DebugForces		# Optional command to write force computations to OutRing

 AlarmDelay	3		# Required number of seconds to suspend issuing alarm messages
 					# after an alarm message has been issued
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