On startup, eqverify reads the configuration file named on the command-line. Commands in this file set up all parameters used in verifying events to be earthquakes. In the control file, lines may begin with a valid eqverify command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!).# marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).
@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be accessed from another with the command "@" followed by a string representing the path name of the next control file (example: @model.d).
Below are the commands recognized by eqverify, grouped by the function they
influence. Some of the commands are marked "required"; these commands must
be specified in the control file in order for eqverify to operate. Other
commands have default values which are over-ridden when a command is given.
In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed
in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are
its arguments (in red), the name of the subroutine that processes the
command, and the function within the module that the command influences.
A detailed description of the command and is also given. Default values
and the values used by Calnet are listed after each command description.
For historical perspective, much of the verification source code was originally
written to work on Rex Allen RTP digitizer data which had an output range
of +/- 2500 counts for an input signal of +/- 2.5 Volts. The Earthworm
system uses a 12-bit A/D; so its output ranges from +/- 2048 counts for the
same input signal of +/- 2.5 Volts.
# This is eqverify's parameter file
MyModuleId MOD_EQPROC # module id to label logfile with.
# Note: eqverify is part of a mega-module which is
# ultimately started by the program eqproc. All
# child processes of this mega-module need to use the
# same module id (thus use eqproc's module id).
LogFile 1 # 0=no log; 1=log errors
# send output to the following command:
# PipeTo "log_everything"
PipeTo "hypo_mgr hypo_mgr.d ncal.hyp"
# Required commands to turn glitch tests on (>0) or off (=0)
test_slopevsmag 1
test_freefitrms 1
test_codawt 1
test_pgroup 1
# Optional commands that change eqverify test defaults
# force_report 18 2.0 # report events with more than 18 picks
# # and mag>=2.0 regardless of event weight
# define_glitch 4 0.035 # a glitch is at least 4 picks within
# 0.035 seconds
# EventThreshold 3 # event weight at which event is "noise"
# MaxDeltaT 30. # consider arrival times within this many
# # seconds of the 1st arriving pick
# coda_clip 820 # level at which a coda-avg-absolute-value
# # is clipped (see notes in eqcoda.command)
Earthworm System Setup:
MyModuleId required
PipeTo required
Event Verification:
test_codawt required
test_freefitrms required
test_pgroup required
test_slopevsmag required
Output Control:
LogFile required
command arg1 processed by function
coda_clip klipc eqverify_config verification
Define the number of counts klipc above which a 2-second trace data
window's average absolute amplitude should be considered clipped.
Eqcoda also uses the "coda_clip" command; make sure that both eqcoda
and eqverify are using the same value for klipc! Eqverify uses
klipc in calculating an eqmeas-style coda weight that is used in
the coda weight test (see "test_codawt" command). This coda weight
is slightly different than that calculated by eqcoda.
Default: coda_clip 820 Calnet: coda_clip 820
define_glitch npick nsec eqverify_config verification
Defines a glitch as at least npick arrivals within nsec seconds.
This definition is used in the test on the temporal distribution of
P-arrivals (see "test_pgroup" command for an explanation).
Note: nsec should be set slightly larger than an integer multiple
of the pick-timing resolution to avoid missing glitches due to
round-off errors in floating point arithmetic (for example, our
picks are reported to the nearest 0.01 seconds, so we set nsec
to 0.035 sec instead of 0.03 sec).
Default: define_glitch 4 0.035 Calnet: define_glitch 4 0.035
EventThreshold thresh eqverify_config verification
Sets the event weight thresh below which an event is a verified
earthquake. Each event begins with an event weight of zero (perfect
event). Up to four tests (see "test_*" commands) may be performed to
verify that the event has the characteristics of a real earthquake.
Three of the tests evaluate coda characteristics, and the other
evaluates the temporal distribution of P-arrivals. Each test
increments the event weight if non-earthquake characteristics are
detected. If the event weight is equal to or greater than thresh
after all the tests are performed, the event is declared noise and
is written to eqverify's log file. Events with weights less than
thresh are piped to the next process.
Default: EventThreshold 3 Calnet: EventThreshold 3
force_report npick mag eqverify_config verification
Sets a safety-valve to force large events to be reported regardless
of their final event weight. An event with more than npick arrivals
and a magnitude of at least mag will always be sent along to the
next process, even if its event weight exceeds the event threshold
thresh. The event's magnitude is calculated from its median coda
duration. This safety-valve is necessary for large events because
the picker terminates coda calculations at 144 seconds, before the
coda begins to decay. This causes the test described in the
"test_slopevsmag" command to yield results that would call the event
noise. And we don't want a real large earthquake to be thrown away!
Note: defaults were taken from Lindh and Hirshorn's program, eqmeas.
Default: force_report 17 2.0 Calnet: force_report 17 2.0
LogFile switch eqverify_config output
Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch
is 0, no log file will be written. If switch is 1, eqverify will
write daily log file(s) called eqverifyxx.log_yymmdd where xx is
eqverify's module id (set with "MyModuleId" command) and yymmdd is the
current UTC date (ex: 960123) on the system clock. The file(s) will
be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable).
Default: none
MaxDeltaT sec eqverify_config verification
Defines the time interval for studying the temporal distribution of
P-arrivals (see "test_pgroup" command). Only picks within sec
seconds of the first-arriving pick are considered in the test.
Default: MaxDeltaT 30.0 Calnet: MaxDeltaT 30.0
MyModuleId mod_id eqverify_config Earthworm setup
Sets the module id for labeling all outgoing messages. mod_id is
a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that
relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique single-byte number.
NOTE: eqverify is part of a mega-module which is ultimately started by
the program eqproc. All sub-modules of this megamodule should be
given the same module id.
Default: none Calnet: MyModuleId MOD_EQPROC
PipeTo cmdstring eqverify_config Earthworm setup
Sets the command to which eqverify will pipe a hypoinverse-format
archive (with shadow cards) event for the next step in earthquake
processing. Blank spaces are allowed in cmdstring as long as
the entire command is enclosed in double-quotes.
Default: none
Calnet: PipeTo "hypo_mgr hypo_mgr.d ncal.hyp"
test_codawt switch eqverify_config verification
Sets the switch for performing the coda weight test on each event.
If switch is non-zero, the test will be performed; if switch is
zero, it will not be performed. This test, taken from Lindh and
Hirshorn's program eqmeas, calculates a coda weight for each pick in
the manner of eqmeas. It then finds the average of all coda weights
for the event and adds this average value to the event weight.
Default: none Calnet: test_codawt 1
test_freefitrms switch eqverify_config verification
Sets the switch for performing a test on the rms values from free-fit
slopes to the coda average absolute values. If switch is non-zero,
the test will be performed; if switch is zero, it will not be
performed. This test, taken from Lindh and Hirshorn's program eqmeas,
considers only the rms for each arrival where at least 3 coda window
average absolute values were used in the free-fit. It finds the median
of all such free-fit rms's for the event. If the median rms value is
greater than 0.25 (bad fit to coda amplitudes), the event weight is
incremented by 1. Otherwise (good fit), the event weight remains the
same. With default settings, this test by itself cannot cause an
event to be declared noise.
Default: none Calnet: test_freefitrms 1
test_pgroup switch eqverify_config verification
Sets the switch for performing a test the temporal distribution of
P-arrivals for each event. If switch is non-zero, the test will be
performed; if switch is zero, it will not be performed. In this
test, all arrivals within "MaxDeltaT" seconds (default = 30) of the
first-arriving pick are examined to see if they belong to a glitch as
defined by default settings (at least 4 picks within 0.03 seconds) or
by the "define_glitch" command. If 50% or more of all picks belong to
glitches, the event is declared noise. If 30-50% of the picks are
glitch-picks, the event weight is incremented by 1.
Default: none Calnet: test_pgroup 1
test_slopevsmag switch eqverify_config verification
Sets the switch for performing a test on the median slope (fit to the
coda window average absolute values) versus the magnitude calculated
from the median coda duration for each event. If switch is non-zero,
the test will be performed; if switch is zero, it will not be
performed. This test, taken from Lindh and Hirshorn's program eqmeas,
increments the event weight by the absolute value of the result of
this equation:
median-slope + 0.7*magnitude-from-median-duration + 0.5
For a normal earthquake, the slope fit to the coda windows should be
negative and the result from the above equation should be zero. For
a noise event, the result from the above equation may be unbounded.
This test alone may cause an event to be declared noise.
Default: none Calnet: test_slopevsmag 1
For Allen RTP digitizers, 1 mV = 1.0 counts
For Earthworm digitizers, 1 mV = 0.82 counts
Many constants used here were originally defined for the RTP data to be
"nice round numbers" corresponding to some number of mV. The defaults for
these constants have been converted for the Earthworm data; they still
correspond to the same mV values (they just aren't "nice round numbers"
any more).
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