eqfilter is the so called garbage rejector . That is it performs sanity and authoritative region tests to hyp2000arc messages found on the InRing and passes to the OutRing. InRing and OutRing can not be the same.
All tests are optional. If a test is not configured then it is not performed. If a test is configured then it must pass. Tests are tied to inst_id. More or less all parameters in the hypo summary card may be tested for. Additionally, authoritative regions may be configured. Minimum number of coda picks greater than zero for multiple magnitudes may also be configured.
INST_WILDCARD is allowed. If wildcard is the only institute configured for a given test then arc messages from any installation will be tested with those parameters. If only specific installation is configured for a given test, then only messages from that installation will be tested for and all others will fail. If a specific installation is configured for a given test and wildcard is also configured for that test, then messages from the specific will use those parameters, and all other non-specified installations will use the wildcard params.
On startup, eqfilter reads the configuration file named on the command-line. Commands in this file set up all parameters used in testing events for passing to the clean ring. In the control file, lines may begin with a valid eqfilter command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!).# marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).
@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be accessed from another with the command "@" followed by a string representing the path name of the next control file (example: @model.d).
In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed in alphabetical
order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are its arguments (in red)
and a description of the command. There are no default values so if you
configure the command without arguments, all messages fail.
# This is eqfilter's parameter file!
MyModuleId MOD_EQFILTER # module id for this instance of eqfilter
InRing HYPO_RING # ring to pick up hyp2000arc messages
OutRing HYPO_RING_CLEAN # ring to write output
HeartBeatInt 30 # seconds between heartbeats
LogFile 1 # 0 means don't create a disc log file. 1=> do.
# all hyp2000arc messages get logged. If a message
# passes this is logged, if it fails the test(s) which
# failed are logged.
#Debug # uncomment to log lots of trash
# List the message logos to grab from transport ring
# Installation Module Message Type HYP2000ARC is hard-wired
# AllowUndefInst - OPTIONAL
# Applies only to authreg test.
# If this is uncommented, the TYPE_HYP2000ARC messages with installation
# ID not listed in any InclRegion command below will be written to the
# OutRing. To prevent writing of messages with "unknown" installation
# IDs, make sure that this options is NOT commented out.
# List authoritative regions: at least one InclRegion keyword is required.
# It associates an earthworm installation ID with a polygon (max 20 sides)
# inside of which that installation is authoritative.
# o An installation can have more than one authoritative region.
# o A region can belong to more than one installation.
# The points of a polygon should be listed as if lines of the polygon
# were being drawn without lifting up the pencil, until the polygon
# is closed. Therefore, the first and the last point should be
# the same, and each two the points in between should be the ends
# of one side of the polygon.
# ExclRegion is optional. It allows for "holes" to be cut inside of the
# authoritative regions defined by InclRegion option.
# Region polygons below are from CNSS:
# http://quake.geo.berkeley.edu/cnss/cnss-detail.html#polygons
#Keyword InstID NumSides Lat, Lon Lat, Lon ...
# Alaska Regional Network - AK
# AVO Volcanos
InclRegion INST_AVO 5 62.50 -148.00 60.00 -150.00 57.50 -157.00 58.75 -157.00 62.50 -152.50 62.50 -148.00
InclRegion INST_AVO 4 51.25 -175.50 52.50 -175.50 52.50 -178.00 51.25 -178.00 51.25 -175.50
# Southern California Seismic Network - CI
# HVO Network - HV
InclRegion INST_HVO 8 18.83 -155.00 19.50 -154.75 20.00 -154.92 20.25 -155.25 20.33 -155.92 20.00 -156.50 19.17 -156.17 18.75 -155.67 18.83 -155.00
# Montana Seismic Network - MB
InclRegion INST_BUTTE 8 45.17 -110.00 45.17 -111.33 44.50 -111.33 44.50 -113.00 47.95 -116.00 48.50 -115.00 48.50 -113.00 47.00 -110.00 45.17 -110.00
# Northern California Seismic Networks - NC
InclRegion INST_MENLO 9 36.68 -117.79 37.75 -118.25 37.75 -119.50 39.50 -120.75 42.00 -121.41 42.00 -122.70 43.02 -125.00 40.00 -125.50 34.69 -121.37 36.68 -117.79
# New Madrid Seismic Network - NM
InclRegion INST_MEMPHIS 8 37.63 -86.68 36.63 -88.62 34.03 -88.42 34.00 -93.50 38.00 -93.50 40.00 -91.50 40.00 -85.00 38.80 -85.00 37.63 -86.68
# Nevada Seismic Network - NN
InclRegion INST_UNR 11 35.30 -114.60 35.80 -116.40 36.68 -117.79 37.75 -118.25 37.75 -119.50 39.50 -120.75 40.50 -120.50 41.50 -119.20 41.30 -118.30 40.00 -116.00 37.50 -114.30 35.30 -114.60
# SouthEast US Seismic Network - SE
# Puerto Rico Seismic Network - PR
# Utah Seismograph Network - UU
InclRegion INST_UTAH 4 36.75 -108.75 36.75 -114.25 42.50 -114.25 42.50 -108.75 36.75 -108.75
# Pacific Northwest Seismic Network - UW
InclRegion INST_UW 11 43.02 -125.00 42.00 -122.70 42.00 -121.00 45.90 -117.80 48.20 -117.80 48.95 -122.00 48.95 -122.80 48.20 -123.00 48.50 -125.00 44.50 -124.60 43.00 -125.00 43.02 -125.00
# Yellowstone WY Seismic Network - WY
InclRegion INST_UTAH 4 44.00 -109.75 44.00 -111.33 45.17 -111.33 45.17 -109.75 44.00 -109.75
# for all subsequent tests INST_WILDCARD is legal but will be superceded
# by additional Keyword entries with non-wildcard InstID.
#Depth test
# is hypo between MinDepth and MaxDepth km
#Keyword InstID MinDepth MaxDepth
#DepthTest INST_WILDCARD 0.0 25.0
#number phase (high weight) test
# are there at least NPhase phases with phase weight greater than 0.1
#Keyword InstID NPhase
#total number phase (any weight) test
# are there at least NPhase phases with phase weight greater than 0.0
#Keyword InstID NPhaseTotal
nphtotalTest INST_WILDCARD 5
#gap test
# is the gap < MaxGap degrees
#Keyword InstID MaxGap
#GapTest INST_MEMPHIS 270.0
#dmin test
# is distance to nearest station at no greater than MaxDmin km
#Keyword InstID MaxDmin
#DminTest INST_MEMPHIS 50.0
#rms test
# is the rms less than MaxRMS seconds
#Keyword InstID MaxRMS
#e0 test
# is the largest principal error less than MaxE0 km
#Keyword InstID MaxE0
#MaxE0Test INST_MEMPHIS 50.0
#erh test
# is the horizontal error less than MaxERH km
#Keyword InstID MaxERH
#erz test
# is the vertical error less than MaxERZ km
#Keyword InstID MaxERZ
#Mag test
# is the magnitude greater than MinMag
#Keyword InstID MinMag
MinMagTest INST_MEMPHIS -9.9
MinMagTest INST_AVO 3.0
MinMagTest INST_HVO 3.0
MinMagTest INST_BUTTE 0.0
MinMagTest INST_MENLO 2.5
MinMagTest INST_UNR 2.5
MinMagTest INST_UTAH 2.5
MinMagTest INST_UW 2.5
#Ncoda test
# given an event with Magnitude Mag, are there at least MinC coda picks
# note here that since a test is defined for INST_MEMPHIS, unless there
# is a wildcard test also defined, only INST_MEMPHIS events have a
# chance of passing. This is so because once a test is configured,
# only configured instid's will pass the test.
#Keyword InstID MinC Mag
NcodaTest INST_MEMPHIS 4 2.0
NcodaTest INST_MEMPHIS 9 3.0
NcodaTest INST_WILDCARD 6 2.0
# end of parameter file
Command with no arguments and applies only to Authoritative Regions.
Any TYPE_HYP2000ARC messages with installation
ID not listed in any InclRegion will will pass the Authoritative Region test.
Command with no arguments. If present, many debug messages are logged.
DepthTest Inst_ID MinDepth MaxDepth
If defined, only messages from Inst_ID that have hypocentral depth between
MinDepth and MaxDepth kilometers, exclusive, will be passed. All others fail.
DminTest Inst_ID MaxDmin
If defined, only messages from InstID with a distance to the nearest station
of less than MaxDmin kilometers will be passed. All others fail.
ExclRegion Inst_ID NumSides Lat1 Lon1 Lat2 Lon2 ... Lat1 Lon1
List of exclude regions to cut "holes" in a given Inst_ID's authoritave polygon.
The points of a polygon should be listed as if lines of the polygon
were being drawn without lifting up the pencil, until the polygon
is closed. Therefore, the first and the last point should be
the same, and each two the points in between should be the ends
of one side of the polygon. INST_WILDCARD is NOT ALLOWED with this test.
GapTest Inst_ID MaxGap
If defined, only messages from InstID with azimuthal gap of less than
MaxGap degrees will be passed. All others fail.
GetEventsFrom> INST_ID MOD_ID
What message logos to listen to. Can be more than one, but no more than five.
The message type is hard coded to TYPE_HYP2000ARC
HeartBeatInt Seconds
Required command to define number of seconds between heartbeats placed on OutRing.
InclRegion Inst_ID NumSides Lat1 Lon1 Lat2 Lon2 ... Lat1 Lon1
List authoritative regions.
It associates an earthworm installation ID with a polygon (max 20 sides)
inside of which that installation is authoritative.
An installation can have more than one authoritative region.
A region can belong to more than one installation.
The points of a polygon should be listed as if lines of the polygon
were being drawn without lifting up the pencil, until the polygon
is closed. Therefore, the first and the last point should be
the same, and each two the points in between should be the ends
of one side of the polygon. INST_WILDCARD is NOT ALLOWED with this test.
InRing RingName
Read message type HYP2000ARC from this ring.
LogFile int
If set to 1, turn on logging. If set to 0, turn it off.
MinMagTest Inst_ID MinMag
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with magnitude greater than
MinMag will pass. All others fail.
MaxE0Test Inst_ID MaxE0
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with E0 less than
MaxE0 will pass. All others fail. E0 is the value of the largest
principal error in kilometers.
MaxERHTest Inst_ID MaxERH
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with ERH less than
MaxERH will pass. All others fail. ERH is the value of the largest
horizontal error in kilometers.
MaxERZTest Inst_ID MaxERZ
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with ERZ less than
MaxERZ will pass. All others fail. ERZ is the value of the veritical
error in kilometers.
MyModuleId name
name is the instance of this module and must be defined in earthworm.d
NcodaTest Inst_ID MinC Mag
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with magnitude greater
than Mag, must have at least MinC coda duration picks greater than 0.
All others fail.
nphTest Inst_ID NPhase
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with more than
NPhase arrivals having phase weight greater than 0.1 will
pass. All others fail.
OutRing name
Required. Outgoing messages get written to name ring. Can not be the
same is InRing.
RMSTest Inst_ID MaxRMS
If defined, messages from installation Inst_ID with rms error
less than MaxRMS will pass. All others fail.
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