Decimate Configuration File

(last revised 12 December, 2008)
#                     Configuration File for decimate
MyModId          MOD_DECIMATE
InRing           WAVE_RING       # Transport ring to find waveform data on,
OutRing          WAVE_RING       # Transport ring to write output to,
                                 # InRing and OutRing may be the same.
HeartBeatInterval     30         # Heartbeat interval, in seconds,
LogFile            1             # 1 -> Keep log, 0 -> no log file
#Debug		 		 # Write out debug messages (optional)

# Specify the decimation rates as one or more integer values greater than 1,
# all on one "DecimationRates" line, enclosed in quotes.
# These will be used in successive stages of decimation. The overall
# decimation rate is the product of all the stage decomation rates.
# The filters will be more efficient if several small decimation stages
# are used instead of one large one, and if largest rates are given first.
# Currently a maximum of 10 stages is enforced.
DecimationRates    "5 2"     # Decimation rates of each stage, in quotes!

MinTraceBuf         10       # Minimum number of samples in output TRACE_BUF.

MaxGap              1.5      # Maximum gap, in sample periods, allowed
                             # between trace data points.
                             # When exceeded, channel is restarted.
# If you want Decimate to compute and log its filter coefficients and then
# exit, specify "TestMode".

# Specify logo of the messages to grab from the InRing.
# TYPE_TRACEBUF2 is assumed, therefore only module ID and
# installation ID need to be specified

# List SCNL codes of trace messages to decimate and their output SCNL codes
# Wildcard characters are not allowed here.
#        IN-SCNL     OUT-SCNL

Module Index | Decimate Overview

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