Hypoinverse Station File Format


The channel identifier consists of a 5-letter site code, a 2-letter network
code unique to the owner or operator of the network, a 3-letter component
or channel code, and a 2-letter location code.  The net, component, and
location fields are optional to Hypoinverse, but space for these fields will
be reserved in all input and output files.  The user of Hypoinverse may specify
(with the LET command) how many characters (counted from the left side) in
each field to use when matching names in station and phase files.  Full use
of the fields will require 5, 2, 3, and 2 letters; minimum use will require
3, 0, 0 and 0 letters.  Hypoinverse can use both a 1-letter (old USGS style)
and 3-letter (SEED style) component field. Space for both fields will be
reserved in all input and output files. Select whether to use the 1- or 3-letter
field for matching station and phase names with the LES command.  It is
sometimes useful to keep the 1-letter component field for easier recognition by
analysts than the newer, more general 3-letter field.

Cols.   Format	Data
_____   ______ 	____

1-5	A5,1X	Station site code. The first character may  not  be  a
		number or the $ character.

7-8	A2,1X	Station network code.

10	A1	Optional 1-letter component code for this channel.
11-13	A3,1X	3-letter component code for this channel.

15 	A1	Station weight code (in units of 0.1) by which the weights
 		assigned each P & S phase  are  to be multiplied.  Use the
		digits  0-9  for the weight in tenths; "*" or "0"  for  no
		weight; or any other character  (including blank) for full

16-17	I2, 1X	Latitude, degrees.
19-25	F7.4	Latitude, minutes.
26	A1	N or blank for north latitude, S for south.
27-29	I3, 1X	Longitude, degrees.
31-37	F7.4	Longitude, minutes.
38	A1	W or blank for west longitude, E for east.

39-42	4X	Reserved for elevation in m. Not used by HYPOINVERSE.

43-45	F3.1,2X	Default  period  (in sec) at which the  maximum  amplitude
  		will be read for this station. Must be greater than 0.1.
                If period is given on phase card, it overrides this value.

48      A1          Put  a "2" or "A" here to designate this as  an  alternate
                    crust model station.  Both  alternate  and primary crustal
                    models  must be in use.  Stations may also be  tagged  for
                    use with an alternate model in the delay file.

49      A1          Optional station remark field to copy to print output.
50-54   F5.2, 1X    P delay (sec) for delay set 1.
56-60   F5.2, 1X    P delay (sec) for delay set 2.
62-66   F5.2        Amplitude magnitude correction.  If in the range +/-2.4, the
                    correction is included  (by  addition)  in  the  amplitude
                    magnitude. If you don't want a station's magnitude used in
                    the event magnitude, use  a  correction  of  5.0  plus the
                    actual correction.  You can also assign a zero weight (see

67      A1          Amplitude magnitude weight code.  Codes 0-9, "*" and blank
                    are the same as the P & S weight codes (col 15). The actual
                    magnitude weight used is the product of those on the station
                    and phase cards. See also col 62.

68-72   F5.2        Duration  magnitude  correction  (works  the  same  as the
                    amplitude magnitude correction).

73      A1          Duration  magnitude  weight code (works the  same  as
                    the amplitude weight code).

74      I1          Instrument  type code for this station used to select  the
                    appropriate response curve  to  derive  an equivalent Wood
                    Anderson amplitude. Must be either 0, 1 or 2:
                        0: Standard Wood-Anderson torsion seismograph.
                        1: USGS standard (1 HZ geophone, .7 critical damping.)
                        2: Hawaii-type Sprengnether seismometer.

75-80   F6.2        Calibration factor for amplitude  magnitudes, equal to the
                    peak-to-peak  amplitude of a 10 microvolt RMS signal at  5
                    hz  applied  to  the  VCO   and  measured  in  mm  on  the
                    Develocorder  film  viewer.  For instrument types 0 and  2
                    this  should  generally  be  1.0.   A  cal  factor  of 0.0
                    signifies  an  unknown  response for  which  no  amplitude
                    magnitudes will be computed. If a cal factor is given on a
                    phase  card it overrides this value.  The VCO  attenuation
                    may be given in  place  of  the  cal  factor  (see the ATN
                    command).  An entire history of station attenuations  with
                    the  dates  of  attenuation  changes  may  be  read from a
                    separate file with the ATE command.

81-82   A2          2-letter location code.
                    Earthworm follows the SEED convention of allowed characters
                    (A-Z, 0-9, space).  In apparent contradiction to the previous
                    statement, Earthworm uses the character '-' to represent
                    'space' in all Earthworm I/O. Just remember to think 'space'
                    when you see '-'. Lower case alphanumerics are not permitted.
                    The location code should always contain 2 characters, either
                    two alpha-numeric characters or two spaces ('--' or '  ').
                    The use of a single space (or '-') adjacent to an alpha-numeric
                    is not permitted.
Other details of hypoinverse configuration can be found in the complete Hypoinverse documentation maintained by Fred Klein at:

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Updated 21 Feb 2007