Earthworm Release Notes V7.9

(October 26, 2016)

New Modules
Modifications/ Bug Fixes to Existing Modules


tideweb2ew - connect to tide guage web pages and pull tide data into local data
files and into an Earthworm TRACEBUF2 message in the ring. Thanks to PRSN for funding
this development.
Scott Hunter October 1, 2016

eew src directory added (2 new modules sets) 
 Central Weather Bureau (CWB) - Taiwan
 Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) - Spain
Thanks to both contributors!

pdl2ark (NOT an EW module)
Receives PDL data and generates near HypoARC messages/files (.ark instead of .arc)
Scott Hunter    October 23, 2015

Makes .arc files from .ark files (see above)
Scott Hunter    October 23, 2015

Sends email messages about events with data from gmew triggered either by PDL or ewthresh
Scott Hunter    October 23, 2015


Corrected several arc output message bugs.
Phase calculated residuals were often wrongly reported.
If a station was missing in hyp71_mgr configuration, this would lead to a complete mix in arc message output.
In some cases, the reported result was not the calculated one.
Corrected hyp2000arc to Hypo71 card phase conversion when second was lower than 10
Corrected hyp2000arc to Hypo71 card phase conversion when first arrival was an S-phase
Jean-Marie Saurel    October 10, 2016

Modified WaitBeforeNextThresh command to take optional second argument SameNetSta; 
if present, looks at all of Net/Sta to decide if enough time has passed for a new message.
Also added WaitBeforeMessages command: how long to wait after startup before generating messages.
Scott Hunter        April 13, 2016

Fixed an annoying bug that caused the wfdisc putaway to blow up with large files.
Paul Friberg April 5, 2016

Corrected bug that caused Hyp2000arcCompatibilityMode to mix events.
Corrected bug in read_arc library that caused segfaults when using write_phs.
Jean-Marie Saurel    February 23, 2016

Added TLS capability (added by Elmar Rothert of Qcon), fixed so that EW_THRESH_ALERT messages have module ID of ewthresh module, 
and allowed Debug level 1 to show messages to logfile.
Paul Friberg October 16, 2015

Added ability to recognize & respond to messages from ewthresh
Scott Hunter    October 23, 2015

Added new filter option: within a specfied distance of a location given by lat/lon
Scott Hunter    October 23, 2015

Added new filter option: reject events older than specified seconds
Scott Hunter    November 16, 2015

Added option to get stations from file (within specified distance of origin)
Scott Hunter    November 17, 2015

Added option for how long to wait after sending a message before sending another from that SCNL
Scott Hunter    December 3, 2015

Added option for it to self-terminate after a specified number of seconds.
Scott Hunter    October 13, 2016