Earthworm Year2000 Compliant Message Formats

Updated February 7, 2001
Lynn Dietz and Barbara Bogaert

The following table lists Y2K-compliant message types (4-digit years) that are used in Earthworm v4.0 and higher.

      (v4.0 and higher)
5.    TYPE_H71SUM2K
6.    TYPE_HYP2000ARC (barely filled in)
      TYPE_HYP2000ARC (completely filled in)

*TYPE_CODA did not include any date information, but since we're changing
formats, we added station code to the coda message to make it 
simpler to export codas along with their picks via export_scn.


This message type is created by pick_ew and read by binder, eqproc, eqprelim,
export_scn.   The new TYPE_PICK2K message
is a fixed 72 characters long (including a newline, but excluding a 

Y2K-compliant TYPE_PICK2K:

 10  4  3 2133 CMN  NCVHZ U1  19950831183134.90     953    1113     968\n

0123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345

 1st        variable
 col.  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  ----------------------------------------------
  0     3   unsigned char  Message type (1-255)
  3     3   unsigned char  Module id that produced this message (1-255)
  6     3   unsigned char  Installation of origin for this message (1-255)
  9     1                  unused
 10     4   short          Sequence # assigned by picker (0-9999),
                           allows you to match a pick with its coda info.
 14     1                  unused
 15     5   char[]         Site code (left justified)
 20     2   char[]         Network code (left justified)
 22     3   char[]         Component code (left justified)
 25     1                  unused 
 26     1   char           Polarity of first break
 27     1   char           Quality of pick assigned by picker (0-4) 
                           with 0 being best.
 28     2                  unused (space for phase, P, Pg, S...?)
 30    17   char[]         Arrival time in the form of:
 47     8   long           Amplitude of 1st peak after arrival time
 55     8   long             "       "  2nd peak  "     "        "
 63     8   long             "       "  3rd peak  "     "        "
 71     1   char           newline character


This message type is created by pick_ew and read by eqproc, eqprelim.
TYPE_CODA2 did not include any date information and thus is Y2K-compliant as 
it was. However, since we're changing formats, we added station code
to the coda message to make it simpler to export codas along with their 
picks via export_scn.  The TYPE_CODA2K message is a fixed format, 
79 characters long (including a newline character, but excluding a 

TYPE_CODA2K message:

 11  4  3 2165 CMN  NCVHZ      23     201     276     289       0       0   7 \n

0123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789

 1st        variable
 col.  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  ----------------------------------------------
  0     3   unsigned char  Message type (1-255)
  3     3   unsigned char  Module id that produced this message (1-255)
  6     3   unsigned char  Installation of origin for this message (1-255)
  9     1                  unused
 10     4   short          Sequence # assigned by picker (0-9999),
                           allows you to match a pick with its coda info.
 14     1                  unused
 15     5   char[]         Site code (left justified)
 20     2   char[]         Network code (left justified)
 22     3   char[]         Component code (left justified)
 25     8   long           Coda window 1 average absolute amplitude
 33     8   long             "    "    2    "       "         "   
 41     8   long             "    "    3    "       "         "   
 49     8   long             "    "    4    "       "         "   
 57     8   long             "    "    5    "       "         "   
 65     8   long             "    "    6    "       "         "   
 73     4   short          Coda duration (seconds)
 77     1   char           Coda weight (quality)
 78     1   char           newline character


This message type is created by binder_ew, and read by eqproc, eqprelim. 
It's a space-delimited format.  The  TYPE_QUAKE2K message is space-delimited and
variable length.

Y2K-compliant TYPE_QUAKE2K:

  3 10 51056672 19960516112157.06  37.6249 -118.8623   9.52  0.08   2.0   9.7 130 10\n

0123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123

       max  variable
field  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  -----------------------------------------------
  1     3   unsigned char  Installation of origin for this message (1-255)
  2     3   unsigned char  Module id that produced this message (1-255)
  3         long           Event id assigned by binder_ew
  4    17   char[]         Event origin time in the form of:
  5     8   float          Latitude (decimal degrees)
  6     9   float          Longitude (decimal degrees)
  7         float          Depth (km)
  8         float          RMS traveltime residual
  9         float          Distance of nearest station (km)
 10         float          Average epicentral distance of associated 
                           arrivals (otherwise known as ravg)
 11         int            Maximum azimuthal gap
 12         int            Number of associated phases;
                           followed by a newline character


This message type is created by eqproc, eqprelim and read by eqcoda. 
This message is internal to the "sausage" mega-module; it is piped between
eqproc or eqprelim and eqcoda and never ends up on a public transport ring.

The TYPE_EVENT2K message is a fixed-format message, 
the hypocenter line is 96 characters long and 
each phase line is 111 characters long.

Y2K-compliant TYPE_EVENT2K, hypocenter & phase line:

19950828 1212 13.57 37 34.47 118 50.12   6.42        12  80  2.0 0.25                   53821 1\n
CMN  NCVHZ U1P 19950831183134.90     953    1113     968      23     201     276     289       0       0   7 W\n
0123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12

Hypocenter line format:
  see section 5.  TYPE_H71SUM2K.

Phase line format:

 1st        variable
 col.  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  ----------------------------------------------
  0     5   char[]         Site code (left justified)
  5     2   char[]         Network code (left justified)
  7     3   char[]         Component code (left justified)
 10     1                  unused
 11     1   char           Polarity of arrival (U, D, ' ')
 12     1   char           Quality of pick assigned by picker (0-4)
 13     2   char[]         Phase assigned to arrival by binder
                             (P, Pn, Pg, S, Sn, Sg)
 15    17   char[]         Arrival time in the form of:
 32     8   long           Amplitude of 1st peak after arrival time
 40     8   long               "     "  2nd  "     "     "      "
 48     8   long               "     "  3rd  "     "     "      "
 56     8   long           Coda window 1 average absolute amplitude
 64     8   long             "    "    2    "       "         " 
 72     8   long             "    "    3    "       "         " 
 80     8   long             "    "    4    "       "         " 
 88     8   long             "    "    5    "       "         " 
 96     8   long             "    "    6    "       "         " 
104     4   int            Coda duration (seconds)
108     1   char           Coda weight
109     1   char           Data source of pick (W=earthworm)
110     2   char           newline character 


This message type is created by hypo_mgr, and is read by eqalarm_ew, cubic_msg,
and menlo_report. 

The TYPE_H71SUM2K message is fixed-format, 96 characters.

Y2K-compliant TYPE_H71SUM2K:

19960508 2005 44.83 38 47.53 122 45.28   2.56 D 0.86 30  43  4.  0.07  0.2  0.5 AW   51056678 1\n
0123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12345

 1st        variable
 col.  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  ----------------------------------------------
  0     4   int   %4d      Origin time: year
  4     2   int   %2d      Origin time: month (1-12)
  6     2   int   %2d      Origin time: day of month (1-31)
  8     1                  unused
  9     2   int   %2d      Origin time: hour of day (0-23)
 11     2   int   %2d      Origin time: minute (0-59)
 13     6   float %6.2f    Origin time: seconds 
 19     3   int	  %3d      Latitude: degrees
 22     1   char  %c       S for south, blank otherwise
 23     5   float %5.2f    Latitude: decimal minutes
 28     4   int	  %4d      Longitude: degrees
 32     1   char  %c       E for east, blank otherwise
 33     5   float %5.2f    Longitude: decimal minutes
 38     7   float %7.2f    Depth (km).
 45     1                  unused
 46     1   char  %c       Magnitude type code
                             D=duration, Z=low-gain duration
 47     5   float %5.2f    Magnitude
 52     3   int	  %3d      Number of P & S times with weights greater than 0.1.
 55     4   int   %4d      Maximum azimuthal gap.
 59     5   float %5.1f    Distance to nearest station (km).
 64     5   float %5.2f    RMS travel time residual.
 69     5   float %5.1f    Horizontal error (km).
 74     5   float %5.1f    Vertical error (km).
 79     1   char  %c       Remark: Q if Quarry blast.
 80     1   char  %c       Remark: Quality flag A-D.
 81     1   char  %c       Remark: Data source code. 
 82     1                  unused
 83    10   long  %10ld    Event identification number
 93     1                  unused
 94     1   char  %c       Version number of information:
                             0=Preliminary EW; 1=Final EW with MD;
		             2=ML added, etc. 0-9, then A-Z.
 95     1   char  %c       newline character

6.  TYPE_HYP2000ARC (barely filled in)
    TYPE_HYP2000ARC (completely filled in)

The TYPE_HYP2000ARC messages is output by eqcoda,  
read and output by eqverify, hyp2000_mgr (hyp2000), and read by menlo_report, 
rsec*, arc2trig, earlybird.

A TYPE_HYP2000ARC message is a fixed-format message and is built of 6 
different types of lines in the following sequence:

  hypocenter         (1. Summary Header Format)
  hypocenter shadow  (2. Summary Shadow Format)
  phase 1            (3. Station Archive Format Year 2000)
  phase shadow 1     (4. Station Shadow Format, RTP portion)
  phase N 
  phase shadow N
  terminator line    (5. Event Terminator Format)
  terminator shadow  (6. Event Terminator Shadow)

For Hyp2000, the "Summary Header Format" and "Station Archive Format" in the
archive message have changed.  All other lines in the TYPE_HYP2000ARC message 
have the same format as the original TYPE_HINVARC message.  A complete 
description of the new Hyp2000 formats can be found in Fred Klein's Hypoinverse Manual.

Sample Y2K-compliant TYPE_HYP2000ARC message (as output by eqcoda):

199912312359492936 2810120 2596  851    27 78 19  15                                                                                         10154                1 \n
$1                                                                                            \n
PWM  NC  VHZ  PD0199912312359 5341                                                0      77                 W  \n
$   6 5.49 1.80 7.91 3.30 0.10 PSN0   77 PHP3 1853 39 340 47 245 55 230 63  86 71  70 77  48           \n
PHB  NC  VHZ  PU0199912312359 5672                                                0     103                 W  \n
$   6 5.37 1.80 6.76 2.53 0.12 PSN0  103 PHP2 1098 63 203 71  75 79  90 87  99 95  54103  46           \n
PKE  NC  VHZ  PU0199912312359 5903                                                0      69                 W  \n
$   6 5.34 1.80 5.97 2.24 0.11 PSN0   69 PHP0  644 31 430 39 221 47 212 55 120 63  88 69  37           \n
PHP  NC  VHZ  PU0199912312359 5941                                                0      61                 W  \n
$   6 5.01 1.80 5.92 2.38 0.08 PSN0   61 PHP0  384 23 294 31 235 39 139 47  95 55  60 61  41           \n
PPC  NC  VHZ  PU0199912312359 5981                                                0      41                 W  \n
$   6 4.71 1.80 4.54 1.68 0.09 PSN0   41 PHP0  356 15 305 19 306 23 180 31 109 39  79 41  49           \n
PMM  NC  VHZ  PU2200001010000 0000                                                0      47                 W  \n
$   6 4.81 1.80 5.44 2.26 0.06 PSN0   47 PHP0   67 15 382 19 364 23 231 31 114 39  71 47  46           \n
PHF  NC  VHZ  P 2200001010000 0103                                                0      45                 W  \n
$   6 4.78 1.80 4.79 1.83 0.08 PSN0   45 PHP2 1093 15 427 19 190 23 202 31 125 39  74 45  47           \n
PHO  NC  VHZ  PU0200001010000 0134                                                0      59                 W  \n
$   6 5.05 1.80 6.17 2.51 0.05 PSN0   59 PHP1  632 23 564 31 232 39 154 47 108 55  63 59  47           \n
PPG  NC  VHZ  PU0200001010000 0312                                                0      77                 W  \n
$   6 5.31 1.80 5.84 2.16 0.10 PSN0   77 PHP0  382 39 251 47 144 55 149 63  89 71  80 77  38           \n
POP  NC  VHZ  PD0200001010000 0377                                                0      25                 W  \n
$   5 4.25 1.80 4.83 2.25 0.05 PSN0   25 PHP0  377 11  82 13 209 15 157 19  89 23  75 25  47           \n
$                                                                  10154\n

Sample Y2K-compliant TYPE_HYP2000ARC message (as output by hyp2000):

199204290117039536 2577120 2407  475  0 18 98 17  16 5975 128175 6  58343COA  38    0  57 124 21   0 218  0  8COA WW D 24X   0  0L  0  0     10123D343 218Z  0   0  \n
$1                                                                                0343   0   0\n
PWM  NC VVHZ  PD0199204290117  877  -8136    0   0   0      0 0  0  61   0 169 8400  0   77 88325  0 932   0WD \n
$   6 5.49 1.80 7.91 3.30 0.10 PSN0   77 PHP3 1853 39 340 47 245 55 230 63  86 71  70 77  48           \n
PHB  NC VVHZ  PU4199204290117 1208 -31  0    0   0   0      0 0  0  56   0 348 6300  0  103125355  0   0   0WD \n
$   6 5.37 1.80 6.76 2.53 0.12 PSN0  103 PHP2 1098 63 203 71  75 79  90 87  99 95  54103  46           \n
PKE  NC VVHZ  PU0199204290117 1439  11136    0   0   0      0 0  0  -1   0 486 5200  0   69147348  0 175   0WD \n
$   6 5.34 1.80 5.97 2.24 0.11 PSN0   69 PHP0  644 31 430 39 221 47 212 55 120 63  88 69  37           \n
PHP  NC VVHZ  PU0199204290117 1477  -4136    0   0   0      0 0  0 -22   0 531 4900  0   61201348  0 217   0WD \n
$   6 5.01 1.80 5.92 2.38 0.08 PSN0   61 PHP0  384 23 294 31 235 39 139 47  95 55  60 61  41           \n
PMM  NC VVHZ  PU2199204290117 1536  20 27    0   0   0      0 0  0  11   0 532 4900  0   47190339  0   7   0WD \n
$   6 4.81 1.80 5.44 2.26 0.06 PSN0   47 PHP0   67 15 382 19 364 23 231 31 114 39  71 47  46           \n
PPC  NC VVHZ  PU0199204290117 1517   3136    0   0   0      0 0  0 -36   0 560 4900  0   41199325  0 204   0WD \n
$   6 4.71 1.80 4.54 1.68 0.09 PSN0   41 PHP0  356 15 305 19 306 23 180 31 109 39  79 41  49           \n
PHF  NC VVHZ  P 2199204290117 1639  23 27    0   0   0      0 0  0 -10   0 608 4800  0   45181350  0   6   0WD \n
$   6 4.78 1.80 4.79 1.83 0.08 PSN0   45 PHP2 1093 15 427 19 190 23 202 31 125 39  74 45  47           \n
PHO  NC VVHZ  PU0199204290117 1670  24136    0   0   0      0 0  0 -13   0 628 4800  0   59187324  0 185   0WD \n
$   6 5.05 1.80 6.17 2.51 0.05 PSN0   59 PHP1  632 23 564 31 232 39 154 47 108 55  63 59  47           \n
PPG  NC VVHZ  PU0199204290117 1848  -4136    0   0   0      0 0  0   7   0 745 4800  0   77147343  0 160   0WD \n
$   6 5.31 1.80 5.84 2.16 0.10 PSN0   77 PHP0  382 39 251 47 144 55 149 63  89 71  80 77  38           \n
POP  NC VVHZ  PD0199204290117 1913  -5136    0   0   0      0 0  0 -19   0 803 4800  0   25162281  0 155   0WD \n
$   5 4.25 1.80 4.83 2.25 0.05 PSN0   25 PHP0  377 11  82 13 209 15 157 19  89 23  75 25  47           \n
$                                                                  10123\n


This message type is created by trg_assoc, carlsubtrig, arc2trig, and is 
read  by surf.exe (WaveViewer), trig2disk, ora_trace_save, and maybe some 
others. TYPE_TRIGLIST2K is a space-delimited message, where the time fields 
have a fixed format.  It is composed of an event header line, 3 silly 
comment lines, and any number of individual station trigger lines. 
Here's an example:

Y2K-compliant TYPE_TRIGLIST2K:

EVENT DETECTED   19960508 20:05:44.83 UTC EVENT ID: 51056678 AUTHOR: 017024003:024045003\n
Sta/Cmp/Net   Date   Time                       start save       duration in sec.\n
-----------   ------ ---------------    ------------------------------------------\n
 GCR VHZ NC P 19960508 20:05:45.58 UTC    save: 19960508 20:05:40.58       17\n
 GDX VHZ NC P 19960508 20:05:45.56 UTC    save: 19960508 20:05:40.56       17\n
 GBG VHZ NC P 19960508 20:05:46.45 UTC    save: 19960508 20:05:41.45       17\n
 GPM VHZ NC P 19960508 20:05:48.34 UTC    save: 19960508 20:05:43.34       17\n

Event head line format:

       max  variable
field  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  -----------------------------------------------
 1,2   15   char[]         Keywords:  "EVENT DETECTED"
 3      8   char[]         Date of event in the form of:  yyyymmdd
 4     11   char[]         Time of event in the form of:  hh:mm:ss.ff   
 5      3   char[]         Time zone label
 6,7    9   char[]         Keywords:  "EVENT ID:"
 8          long           Event id, assigned by author of the event
 9      7   char[]         Keyword:   "AUTHOR:"
 10         char[]         String describing author of the event;
                           may be a series authors, seperated by colons.
                           An author might be a user's login name or
                           a 9-digit ascii logo:
                             tttmmmiii, where ttt = message type
                                              mmm = module id
                                              iii = installation id

Format of Silly Comment lines 1-3: 

The comment lines can be printed with the following strings:
" Sta/Cmp/Net   Date   Time                       start save       duration in sec.\n"
" -----------   ------ ---------------    ------------------------------------------\n"

Station Trigger Line Format:

       max  variable
field  len  type           description
-----  ---  -------------  -----------------------------------------------
 1      5   char[]         Station site code
 2      3   char[]         Station component code
 3      2   char[]         Station network code
 4      1   char           Description of the type of trigger
 5      8   char[]         Date of trigger in the form of:  yyyymmdd
 6     11   char[]         Time of trigger in the form of:  hh:mm:ss.ff   
 7      3   char[]         Time zone label
 8      5   char[]         Keyword:  "save:"  
                             Denotes that the on-time and duration of
                             an "interesting seismogram" will follow.
 9      8   char[]         On-date of "interesting seismogram" in the
                             form:  yyyymmdd
 10    11   char[]         On-time of "interesting seismogram" in the
                             form:  hh:mm:ss.ff   
 11         int            Duration (seconds) of "interesting seismogram"


The End