Earthworm Location Code Policy 2004/03/05:LDD ------------------------------ These rules are based on the SEED and CISN conventions referenced below, with a nod to current practices and software logic simplification. 1. We will follow the SEED convention of allowed characters (A-Z, 0-9, space). In apparent contradiction to the previous statement, we will use the character '-' to represent 'space' in all Earthworm I/O. Just remember to think 'space' when you see '-'. Lower case alphanumerics are not permitted. 2. The location code will always contain 2 characters, either two alpha-numeric characters or two spaces ('--'). The use of a single space (or '-') adjacent to an alpha-numeric is not permitted. 3. The default location code in SEED is " " (space-space). We'll call this the "blank" location code. While there are no rules on how EW software should represent a blank location code for its own internal manipulations, all software must obey the following rules for all of its Input/Output, including its log files: a. For all ASCII I/O, both column-oriented and whitespace-delimited, a blank location code will be written as "--". We recognize that " " could be interpreted properly by software in column-oriented ASCII, but we feel that it is easier for humans reading the data to have a single convention for all ASCII information. When parsing any ASCII input, software will interpret "-" or "--" as the blank location code. b. In binary I/O, currently only the Earthworm tracedata messages, the blank location code will also be represented by "--". c. In the Earthworm DBMS, the blank location code will be represented as the string "--". 4. When Earthworm data is converted to SEED format, all blank location codes will be converted from "--" to " " (space-space). 5. Software should *never* assume that the location code has any meaning. It should be used exclusively as a tie-breaker when multiple channels of data have the same SCN. This will allow allow each network to use their own convention for assigning the location code and to process data from another network whose convention is different. Current Practices ----------------- In the EW database, blank location codes are stored as NULLs. Queries for a blank location code must have extra logic to check the DBMS for a blank string or a NULL field. When we switch to storing blank location codes as "--" everywhere, no extra logic would be required for string-matching. In the NCEDC database, blank location codes are stored as "space-space". In SEED, fields are blank padded, so a blank or NULL location code is always stored as "space-space". IRIS DMC software maps a "-" in a data request to a "space" in the location code. Therefore, if data were stored with a "-" in the location code, there would be no way to request it explicitly. Therefore, when Earthworm data is converted to SEED format, we must revert to "space-space". References ---------- SEED convention: CISN convention: