The following table describes Earthworm software contributed by the
Earthworm Community. This is a work in progress. Contributors are still
working on documentation for insertion in this table. However, a short
description of each contributed module is included. If you are interested
in a particular module, please contact the contributor. Software can be
downloaded from
Module Name |
Contributor |
Module Description |
Documentation |
Overview |
Commands |
diskmgr_kent |
Alaska Earthquake Information Center |
atplayer |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
simulate real-time events with older data |
develo |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
display real-time, short period seismic data in develocorder type view
disk_wcatwc |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
log trace data to disk |
dumptide |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
log certain channels to disk (tide gage data format) |
hypo_display |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
display hypocenter parameters and interactively adjust P data |
hypo_print |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
log hypocenters to disk for EarthVu GIS |
latency_mon |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
track data outages and latencies for all channels |
loc_wcatwc |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
associator/locator module |
lpproc |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
display real-time, long period seismic data and process data for MS
mm |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
process surface wave data for Mm (Mw) |
mtinver |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
process data for moment tensor |
page_alarm |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
send alarm messages through various interfaces |
pick_wcatwc |
West Coast Alaska Tsunami Warning Center |
P-picking/magnitude determination algorithm |
addpinno |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Adds pin numbers to older data written to continuous tape backup.
arc2trig2 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Arc2trig with location codes
arc2trignc |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Takes a hyp2000 arc message as input and produces a trig list
message as output. Similar to program arc2trig, but this version
uses subnets.
backup-params |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Scripts for backing up params directories.
barcode-wmk |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Creates postscript files for printing barcode tape labels.
cisnlist |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Creates the adhoc list for CISN from our waveservers.
cleandir |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Removes old files from a specified directory.
cleanseg2 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Removes old SEG2 files from a directory. Used for SAFOD data.
cleanwebdir |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Removes old files with a specified substring from a specified directory.
condenselogo |
USGS, Menlo Park |
copyevt |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Copies evt files with option to sort on data type.
cta |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to attach to one of earthworm's shared memory region(s)
and send a pause message to write_cta. write_cta will then stop
writing to tape to allow the user to change tapes or clean tape
heads, etc.
cta2cusp |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to read continuous tape archive (cta) files and feed the data
to Cusp.
cta2sac |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to read continuous tape archive (cta) files and convert using
the Earthworm putaway routines.
cube2trig |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Creates trigger message from cube message.
cuspfeeder |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program feeds event waveforms to Cusp.
cvarc |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program converts Y2K format archive messages to pre-Y2K format.
dupfile |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Duplicates a file. This is used when, for instance, an event file needs
to be submitted to multiple processing streams.
eqwaves |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Makes record section gifs of events.
evt2ring |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Reads a K2 evt file and writes tracebuf2s to a ring. Tracebufs can
then be exported to a Winston WS.
evtc |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Event Coordinator.
evtswitch |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Periodically check a specified directory for .evt files. Reads the
files, decodes the station and S/N, and copies to the appropriate
gapagent |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Reports percent data gaps to SeisnetWatch.
gaplist2 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to search for gaps in tracebuf messages and print tables.
getcube |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program grabs a single cube event from a file, converts it to a
triglist message, and writes the message to a ring.
getdst |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Obsolete program to collect DST data.
getdst2 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Collect DST data and convert to Earthworm format. Runson OS2.
getevent |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to get event waveforms from an Earthworm system via a
socket connection. The events are written to disk files on the local
system. The event file names are of the form event., eg
event.000001, event.000002, etc.
getfile |
USGS, Menlo Park |
getqdds |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program grabs a CUBE format file from qdds and converts
event messages to triglist format.
gpsalarm |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Reports when TrueTime GPS receiver is not synching to satellite.
heli1 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
The original helicorder module.
heli2go |
USGS, Menlo Park |
A helicorder module run from a command line created by the heli2go
web interface.
helicont |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Helicorder module which always presents the most recent 24 hours
of data. See -
helinow |
USGS, Menlo Park |
The one minute helicorder. See -
helisend |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Continuously outputs one analog channel using a National Instruments
PCI 6703 board. Written to drive an old mechanical helicorder from
modern digital data.
import_ms |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Special import for importing arc messages and arbitrating master/slave.
k2f2audit |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Reads K2 header files from k2ew, compares with previous and alerts
k2faudit |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Reads K2 headers from evt files, compares with previous and alerts
k2talk |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Obsolete program for communicating with K2s in monitor mode.
ls_cta |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Lists the contents of a continuous backup tape.
makehbfile |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Creates heartbeat files to test the sendfile-getfile link.
msubl |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Obsolete local magnitude routine.
orb2ew |
USGS, Menlo Park |
An Antelope routine for pulling SNCLed data from the Antelope ORB,
converting to tracebuf2 and exporting to an Earthworm.
organizefile |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Periodically checks a specified directory for files. Organizes files
into a set of subdirectories based on the first N characters of the
pager |
USGS, Menlo Park |
qa2tracebuf |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Demultiplexer program for pre-pin adbuf messages the Earthworm
A/D converter (Ad data).
qdds2ring |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Grabs a CUBE format file from qdds and transfers it to the ring.
qdm2cube |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program reads a cube format catalog from QDM and writes a
cube format file for each event. Events are not written until several
days after the event origin time. This allows revisions to be made.
qshake_feeder |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Calculates initial pga, pgv, sa.
read_cta |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Read events from continuous backup tape.
reboot |
USGS, Menlo Park |
recoverid |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This script is to aid in recovering events identified at a remote node
when network communications has been broken between the node
and the main processing center.
remux_tbuf |
USGS, Menlo Park |
reset_router |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to reset a Cisco router by issuing the command: clear ip ospf
sac2arc |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Greatly simplified version of sac2hypo which reads SAC headers
from files listed in 'saclist' and writes a sparsely populated
hypoinverse archive file (no shadows) containing picks and codas.
This simple archive file can be used as input to hypoinverse to locate
the event.
seg2fnc |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program renames SEG2 files produced by the GERI system.
The new file names contain the acquisition date of the data.
seg2toew |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Convert a SEG2 file to Earthworm TYPE_TRACEBUF2.
send_cta |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program feeds event waveforms to Cusp.
sendarc |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program feeds arc messages to Earlybird.
sendfile |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Early, obsolete version.
sfilercp |
USGS, Menlo Park |
rcp in C. No longer used.
sgram |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Spectrograms. Official version is in .../src/display/
shake_feeder |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Calculates final pga, pgv, sa.
smoke_alarm |
USGS, Menlo Park |
sniff_trace |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Report to the status manager if no tracebuf or compressed trace
msgs for a particular module id are found for some time interval.
snwclient |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Client routine for putting parameters into SeisNetWatch via the
SNW Collection Agent.
snwgetmenu |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Getmenu with output appropriate for snwclient.
sortevt |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Evt files are read and sorted to different directories based upon the
instrument location.
stationlist |
USGS, Menlo Park |
stalist is a utility program for creating a text list of channel
information for use on the web. It queries a list of waveservers to
make a list of available channels, accumulates additional information
about each channel from a database (in this case, a flat file), and
produces an alphabetically sorted tabulated list as a text file.
tapedig |
USGS, Menlo Park |
tarseg2 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
On the SAFOD tape backup systems, SEG2 files are stored in directories
that contain one hour's worth of data. Zipseg2 waits until a directory
is full. Then, it tars the directory to a single tar file. Finally,
it deletes the original directory.
tempalarm |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program communicates with an OmegaBus D1451 temperature
sensor, via a serial communication link. It reports to statmgr, if the
room temperature is exceeds some threshold value.
tickgen |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Continuously outputs time ticks on one pin of a National Instruments
PCI 6703 board.
udmap |
USGS, Menlo Park |
udmap updates the index maps used for web display of helicorders
and spectrograms. Given a list of SCNLs and their lat/lons, GIF
basemaps are read, points are plotted on them and they are written
out as GIF files. Additionally, a file is written containing the html
snippets required to click on the index map and link elsewhere.
UDPcatch |
USGS, Menlo Park |
UDPcatch is a program written by John Evans to distribute Tremor
data in its raw format from his acquisition computers to other
computers on the same subnet. It works on Windows only! And
only the executable is stored here in CVS (as a binary file). John
Evans has the source.
update_cta |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Program to update pin numbers in continuous tape archive (cta)
files. This is done "in place", ie the cta file is modified.
wdog |
USGS, Menlo Park |
A Win32 Program to print status and enable or disable a Berkshire
PCI PC Watchdog board.
wdog_ew |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Earthworm program to monitor a Berkshire PCI PC Watchdog
board. Temperature is logged. If temperature exceeds a threshold
value, a message is sent to statmgr. When non-UPS, AC power is
lost, a message is sent to statmgr. Sends heartbeats to the watchdog
card, as long as TRACE_BUF messages from the digitizer are
detected. If the watchdog doesn't receive heartbeats for a specified
time interval, it will reboot the computer.
write_cta |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program writes tracebuf messages to a set of archive tapes,
known as a continuous tape archive (cta).
write_seg2 |
USGS, Menlo Park |
This program writes SEG2 files from the GERI system at SAFOD to
a set of archive tapes.
wsv_test |
USGS, Menlo Park |
Report to the status manager if any wave server process dies.
ertm |
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center |
earth2uw |
UW Seattle |
eq_tee |
UW Seattle |
ref2ew |
UW Seattle |
rsam |
UW Seattle |
uw_report |
UW Seattle |