Scream2ew Configuration File

(last revised May 3, 2006)


# This is scream2ew's parameter file
# Please check that line endings are set appropriately for your
# platform. Comments begin with a '#'.

#  Basic Earthworm setup

# module id for this instance of scream2ew
MyModuleId         MOD_SCREAM2EW

# shared memory ring for input/output
RingName           WAVE_RING

# 0 = log to screen only
# 1 = log to screen and logfile
# 2 = log to logfile only
LogFile            1

# 1 = log every packet
# 0 = don't
Verbose            1

# seconds between heartbeats
HeartBeatInterval  30

# Scream server setup

# If the Server option is given, the scream2ew program will contact a
# Scream server via TCP on the specified host, and request its data from
# there. If it is not given, the scream2ew program will instead simply
# listen for UDP broadcast packets.

# In TCP mode, this is the TCP port on which the scream server is
# running. In UDP mode, it is the local port on which we will listen for
# broadcast packets.
PortNumber         1567

# Scream to Earthworm mapping

# These lines specify the mapping between the GCF system ID and stream
# ID and the earthworm network, station, location, channel and pin
# number.
# For example:
#  ChanInfo "D850 EKA12 AB CDE 00 BHZ 1"
# This line would map Scream packets with:
#  GCF system ID: D850                   [max 6 chars]
#  GCF stream ID: EKA12                  [max 6 chars]
# To:
#  Network:       AB                     [max 8 chars]
#  Station:       CDE                    [max 6 chars]
#  Location:      00                     [exactly 2 chars]
#  Channel:       BHZ                    [max 3 chars]
#  Pin number:    1
# If you do not wish to specify any location, use the sequence '--'.
ChanInfo "D850 EKA12 AB CDE 00 BHZ 1"
ChanInfo "D850 EKA13 AB CDE 01 BHZ 2"

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