On startup, liss2ew reads the configuration file named on the command line. Commands in this file set all the parameters used for configuring the Earthworm LISS client module. (LISS is the Live Internet Seismic Server.) In the control file, lines may begin with a valid liss2ew command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!). Blank lines are also permitted in the control file.# marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).
@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be accessed from another with the command "@" followed by a string representing the path name of the next control file (example: @model.d).
Below are the commands recognized by liss2ew, grouped by the function
they influence. Most of the commands are required; they may be specified
in any order in the control file.
In the following section, all configuration file commands are listed
in alphabetical order. Listed along with the command (bold-type) are
its arguments (in red), the name of the subroutine that processes the
command, and the function within the module that the command influences.
A detailed description of the command and is also given. Default values
and example commands are listed after each command description.
You must give one AcceptSCNL command for each SCN that you want to receive from the LISS.
However, you should not specify more than one AcceptSCNL for the same SCN and different
location codes. The rest of earthworm does not know about location codes, so the two
data streams would get mixed together with bad results.
The pin number pinno is used for internal earthworm use.
Earthworm system setup:
MyModuleId required
OutRing required
HeartBeatInterval required
LISS server and input parameters:
LISSaddr required
LISSport required
lenSEED optional
SocketTimeout optional
Data output parameters:
TraceLength required
MaxSCNs required
AcceptSCNL required
command arg1 processed by in function
AcceptSCNL station component net location pinno ReadConfig Data selection
Specifies one stream of data to be read from the LISS and output as trace data.
The station, component, and network
are used to set the earthworm SCN of this data stream. These three parameters
must be given explicitly (no wildcards). Many LISS channels are also identified
by a location code. If you are getting data from the
ASL LISS, see their table
of available data streams. If you don't know the location code, you can try
running dumpseed to see what is being served.
The location code may be *, the
wildcard. If you use the wildcard and more than one location code is available
for this SCN, liss2ew will report errors such as samplerate changing as it
reads first one location code and then the other. To enter the empty location
code (seen on some ASL channels, use the empty string "".
Default: none
Example: AcceptSCNL ANMO BHZ IU 00 1234
Debug ReadConfig Earthworm setup
Turns on debug logging for liss2ew.
Default: no debug logging
Example: Debug
HeartBeatInterval nsec ReadConfig Earthworm Setup
Defines the number of seconds, nsec between TYPE_HEARTBEAT
messages issued by liss2ew.
Default: none
Example: HeartBeatInterval 30
lenSEED bytes ReadConfig LISS parameters
Defines the number of bytes in the miniSEED records
to be read from the LISS. For the ASL LISS, this is 512 bytes.
Default: 512
Example: lenSEED 4096
LISSaddr address ReadConfig LISS parameters
Specify the address of the LISS. This can be either on
IP address (four period-separated numbers) or the domain name of the server.
Default: none
Example: LISSaddr anmo.iu.liss.org
LISSport port ReadConfig LISS parameters
Specifies the IP port number for the LISS. Normally
this is 4000.
Default: none
Example: LISSport 4000
LogFile switch ReadConfig Earthworm Setup
Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch is 0,
no log file will be written. If switch is non-zero, liss2ew will write
daily log file(s) called nnnnnxx.log_yyyymmdd where nnnnn is the name of the configuration file
(with the suffix `.d' removed), xx is liss2ew's module id (set with MyModuleId
command) and yyyymmdd is the current UTC date (ex: 19960123) on the system clock. The file(s)
will be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable).
Default: none
Example: LogFile 1
MaxSCNs n ReadConfig Data Selection
Specifies the number of AcceptSCNL commands to be found
in this configuration file.
Default: none
Example: MaxSCNs 3
MyModuleId mod_id ReadConfig Earthworm setup
Sets the module id for labeling all outgoing trigger, heartbeat, and error messages.
mod_id is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates
to a unique single-byte number.
Default: none
Example: MyModuleId MOD_L2E_ANMO
OutRing ring ReadConfig Earthworm setup
Tells liss2ew which shared memory region to use for output. ring is a character
string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates (in earthworm.d) to a
unique number for the key to the shared memory region.
Default: none
Example: OutRing WAVE_RING
SocketTimeout seconds ReadConfig LISS parameters
Defines the number of seconds to wait for response
from the LISS. This time interval must not be large than the
HeartBeatInterval. Unlike in certain other Earthworm
modules, you cannot turn off the timeout by using a value of -1.
Default: same as HeartBeatInterval
Example: SocketTimeout 20
TraceLength samples ReadConfig Data parameters
Specify the number of samples to put in each TRACE_BUF message.
Liss2ew always trace data in `long integer' (four byte) format. The total length of
the output TRACE_BUF messages will be 64 + 4 * samples. Values
are restricted to the range of 10 - 1000.
Default: none
Example: TraceLength 100
3. Sample Configuration File
# Configuration File for liss2ew
OutRing WAVE_RING # Transport ring to write output to,
HeartBeatInterval 30 # Heartbeat interval, in seconds,
LogFile 1 # 1 -> Keep log, 0 -> no log file
#Debug # Write out debug messages (optional)
LISSaddr anmo.iu.liss.org # IP address of the LISS (server)
# If you have DNS configured, you may also
# give the domain name of the LISS.
LISSport 4000 # Port number for LISS; often this is 4000
lenSEED 512 # The size of SEED records to read from LISS
# OPTIONAL; defaults to 512 bytes.
SocketTimeout 30 # Socket timeout in seconds; not more than
# HeartBeatInterval
TraceLength 100 # Number of trace data samples to put in one
# TRACE_BUF packet. Range is 10 - 1000
MaxSCNs 3 # Number of SCNs to accept; must be at least
# the number of AcceptSCNL commands.
# List each sta/comp/net/location that you expect from LISS in an
# "AcceptSCNL" command. Location code (LC) is a 2-digit code to further
# identify a seismological data path. LC (and ONLY LC) may be given as `*' to
# specify a wildcard. If the LISS has more than one LC for a give SCN,
# using the wildcard will generate errors in log.
# Do NOT specify the same SCN with two different LC values, as this will
# cause great confusion within earthworm!!!!
# If liss2ew sees an SCNL which is not listed here, it will be ignored.
# On each line after the SCNL, list a pinnumber to use for this SCNL.
# site comp net LC pinno
# ---- ---- --- -- -----
AcceptSCNL ANMO BHZ IU 00 1234
AcceptSCNL ANMO BH1 IU 00 1235
AcceptSCNL ANMO BH2 IU 00 1236
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