On startup, binder_ew reads the configuration file named on the command-line. Commands in this file set up all parameters used in stacking picks, locating events, and associating phases with events. In the control file, lines may begin with a valid binder_ew command (listed below) or with one of 2 special characters:
Command names must be typed in the control file exactly as shown in this document (upper/lower case matters!).# marks the line as a comment (example: # This is a comment).
@ allows control files to be nested; one control file can be
accessed from another with the command "@" followed by
a string representing the path name of the next control file
(example: @model.d).
# This is binder_ew's parameter file!
MyModuleId MOD_BINDER # module id for this instance of binder_ew
RingName PICK_RING # transport ring for I/O
LogFile 1 # 0 to completely turn off disk log file
HeartbeatInt 30 # Seconds between heartbeats
# List the message logos to grab from transport ring
# Installation Module Message Type
# Set level of output for writing log file
log_stack # comment out to turn of grid-stack logging
hypcode 7
# Load station list
maxsite 2000
site_file "calsta.hinv.qa"
# Load Central California crustal model
# Define the association grid. Set stacking parameters.
dspace 4.0
grdlat 32.5 43.0
grdlon -125.0 -114.5
grdz 0.0 20.0
rstack 100.0
tstack 0.65
stack 50
thresh 18
focus 30
grid_wt 0 4
grid_wt 1 3
grid_wt 2 2
grid_wt 3 1
# Set parameters for associating picks with active hypocenters
rAvg_Factor 7.0
taper 0.0 1.0
taper 50.0 1.0
taper 200.0 2.5
taper 400.0 4.5
# bfh: 11/5/94: "variable taper" proportional to Origin Time Uncertainty:
# Set both to 0.0 to get Carl's original distance taper only.
taper_OT 2.0 1.0
t_dif -3.0 120.
# Set parameters for locating events
wt 0 1.0
wt 1 0.5
wt 2 0.25
wt 3 0.125
ph P 1.0
ph Pn 0.5
ph Pg 0.5
r_max 400.0
zrange 1.0 30.0
MaxStep 25.0 5.0
MinXYZstep 0.1
MaxIter 4
MaxDeltaRms 1.0001
locate_eq 25 2
locate_eq 50 4
locate_eq 75 8
locate_eq 100 16
# Set parameters for assessing groups of picks
# with Bill Ellsworth's resampling technique:
assess_pk 8 12
maxtrial 500
maxwt 3
v_halfspace 5.0
residual_cut 5.0 10.0
# Load in the next valid quake sequence number
# end of parameter file
Earthworm system setup:
GetPicksFrom required
MyModuleId required
RingName required
BufferRing required
Seismic network/model definition:
lay required
site \ site list required; specify with
site_file / either "site" or "site_file"
Phase stacking:
dspace required
grdlat required
grdlon required
grdz required
thresh required
focus grid_wt grid_wt_instid next_id (@quake_id.d)
EventFileId (to point to quake_id file in case of multiple binder_ew's)
rstack stack tstack rmsgrid no longer used
Event location:
FixDepth locate_eq MaxIter MaxDeltaRms maxpix MaxStep MinXYZstep ph r_max rmscut rmscut_pick wt zrange Phase association: rAvg_Factor t_dif taper taper_OT no_S_on_Z Pick-group assessment: assess_pk maxwt maxtrial residual_cut v_halfspace Output control: LogFile required
hypcode log_accepted
ray raytst region
command arg1 processed by function
assess_pk minpk maxpk assess_com pick assess
Defines the range for assessing a group of picks using the resampling technique of Bill Ellsworth. When an event has between minpk and maxpk (inclusive) picks associated with it, its pick set will be assessed before the event is relocated. If an event stacks with more than maxpk picks, its picks will be assessed at least once. Pick-assessment is a multiple pass process based on Rex Allen's pick associator. First, the set of picks is examined for glitches. Then the exact, four-station hypocenter solution method of Ingelada and resampling (four picks at a time) are used to determine the station set that is consistent with an earthquake hypocenter. A first pass samples from the earliest (up to 25) P-phase picks which meet the testing criteria; this pass is used to winnow the data to arrivals with median residuals below a cutoff value. A second pass resamples the winnowed data to determine the trial hypocenter. If any picks are rejected as glitches or outliers, they are freed to restack or reassociate. To turn off pick-assessing totally, set minpk and maxpk to zero. Related commands include "define_glitch", "maxtrial", "maxwt", "residual_cut", "v_halfspace".Default: assess_pk 6 12 Calnet: assess_pk 8 12
BufferRing ring bndr_config Earthworm setup
Default: none Calnet: BufferRing BINDER_EW_RING
define_glitch npick nsec grid_com stack
Sets up the definition of a glitch for filtering arrivals before stacking them. A glitch is defined as at least npick arrivals within nsec seconds. Picks that belong to such a glitch are NOT used in the stacking process. If you want to turn off pre-stack glitch filtering (ie, to make binder_ew stack every pick), set npick to zero (example "define_glitch 0 0.0"). This same glitch definition is used in the pick-assessing process (see command "assess_pk") to recognise glitch-picks that have associated with an event (after it is stacked) and to remove them.
Note: nsec should be set slightly larger than an integer multiple of the pick-timing resolution to avoid missing glitches due to round-off errors in floating point arithmetic (for example, our picks are reported to the nearest 0.01 seconds, so we set nsec to 0.035 sec instead of 0.03 sec).Default: define_glitch 4 0.035 Calnet: define_glitch 4 0.035
dspace dspace grid_com stack
Defines the side-length (dspace in km) of a cell in the stacking volume. The same spatial resolution is used for latitude, longitude and depth. Decreasing cell size increases the time required for stacking as the third power, so adjust these values judiciously. The cell size you choose may also depend on your network station spacing; if too many stations fall within the same grid-cell, stacks may often be null- focused.Default: none Calnet: dspace 4.0
EventIDFile filename_of_quake_id bind_com bindThis allows the operator to run multiple binder_ew instances and have each use a different quake_id file.
Default: Not SET, uses quake_id.d by default then
FixDepth dmin trialz hyp_com location
Sets the trial depth (km) to use for earthquakes which have no nearby stations. If an earthquake has no picks within dmin km, set its depth to trialz km and locate it with a fixed-depth solution. This prevents events with no depth resolution from flailing.Default: FixDepth 50.0 8.0 Calnet: FixDepth 50.0 8.0
focus nfocus grid_com stack
Defines how focused a stack must be to consider declaring a new quake. A stack must have no more than nfocus cells in its maximum-count list and the maximum count value must be greater than or equal to mthresh (see "thresh" command) in order to declare a new event. Since the trial hypocenter is calculated by averaging the center positions of all the cells in the maximum-count list, a larger nfocus will increase the probability of a poor starting location (which has its own attendant problems). A smaller nfocus value, however, will tend to reject distant events. The optimal value for nfocus may also depend on the grid granularity ("dspace" command). Considerable experimentation may be required to determine an optimum value for any specific network.Default: focus 5 Calnet: focus 30
GetPicksFrom inst mod_id bndr_config Earthworm setup
Controls the picks input to binder_ew. Binder_ew will only process picks that come from module mod_id at installation inst. inst and mod_id are character strings (valid strings are listed in earthworm.h/earthworm.d) which are related to single-byte numbers that uniquely identify each installation and module. Up to 2 "GetPicksFrom" commands may be issued; wildcards (INST_WILDCARD and MOD_WILDCARD) will force binder_ew to process all picks, regardless of their place of origin.
Note: both binder_ew and eqproc should be set to listen to the same pick source(s)!Default: none
grdlat lat1 lat2 grid_com stack
Defines the latitude range (decimal degrees; positive to the north) of the volume containing all trial stacking hypocenters (set the latitude boundaries of the regional grid). Once an event is stacked, it may relocate outside of this range, and it will continue to associate picks correctly.Default: none Calnet: grdlat 32.5 43.0
grdlon lon1 lon2 grid_com stack
Defines the longitude range (decimal degrees; positive to the east) of the volume containing all trial stacking hypocenters (set the longitude boundaries of the regional grid). Once an event is stacked, it may relocate outside of this range, and it will continue to associate picks correctly.Default: none Calnet: grdlon -125.0 -114.5
grdz z1 z2 grid_com stack
Defines the depth range (km; positive down) of the volume containing all trial stacking hypocenters (set the depth boundaries of the regional grid). The range from z1+(dspace/2) to z2-(dspace/2) must not be greater than the depth range specified in the "zrange" command; otherwise, events may stack outside of the zrange limit and this could cause locator logic errors.Default: none Calnet: grdz 0.0 20.0
grid_wt quality increment grid_com stack
Allows picks to be weighted in the stacking process based on their quality assigned by the picker. For a pick with a given quality (0 = most reliable, 4 = least reliable), add increment to the count in the cells which meet the stacking criteria. This command is included so that poor quality picks can still contribute to a stack, but with less impact than better quality picks. The increment values set by grid_wt should be reflected in the mthresh value (set by the "thresh" command) used to declare new events (mthresh should be greater than three times the largest grid_wt increment specified). If no "grid_wt" command is issued, only 0-quality picks will be stacked, with an increment of 1. If at least one "grid_wt" command is issued, a pick whose quality was not specified by grid_wt will not used in the stack.Default: stack only quality=0 Calnet: grid_wt 0 4
using increment=1 grid_wt 1 3
grid_wt 2 2
grid_wt 3 1
grid_wt_instid quality increment instid grid_com stack
Allows picks to be weighted in the stacking process based not only on the quality assigned by the picker, but also by the installation id that produced them. For a pick with a given quality (0 = most reliable, 4 = least reliable) from a given instid (character string found in earthworm_global.d), add increment to the count in the cells which meet the stacking criteria. This command is included so that picks from one installation can be weighted differently in a stack than picks from another installation and should only be used by networks that are exchanging pick information. The increment values set by grid_wt_instid and grid_wt should be reflected in the mthresh value (set by the "thresh" command) used to declare new events (mthresh should be greater than three times the largest increment specified). If no "grid_wt_instid" or "grid_wt" command is issued, all 0-quality picks will be stacked, with an increment of 1. If at least one "grid_wt_instid" or "grid_wt" command is issued, a pick whose quality and/or instid was not specified will not used in the stack. grid_wt_instid commands can be used in combination with grid_wt commands; a "grid_wt" command is equivalent to a "grid_wt_instid" command with instid set to INST_WILDCARD.Default: stack only quality=0 Example: grid_wt 0 4
from any installation grid_wt 1 3
using increment=1 grid_wt_instid 2 2 INST_MENLO
grid_wt_instid 2 0 INST_CIT
hypcode value bind_com output
Sets a value to specify how much information should be included in binder_ew's log file after each event relocation. Possible values (0-7) and the corresponding output are a sum of:0 no output from locator (default)Generally, this parameter should only be included during testing and tuning, since significant increases in the size of the log file and a corresponding decrease in associator efficiency is incurred when it is present and non-zero.
1 include summary location for each iteration
2 include final phase description for each associated pick
4 include final rms and dminDefault: hypcode 0
lay depth velocity t_com model
Defines the layered velocity structure to be used for calculating travel times. depth is the distance (km) to the top of the layer, and velocity is the seismic P-wave velocity (km/sec) within that layer. No default velocity structure is defined; therefore, the user must always supply one in the control file. Up to 20 layers can be specified, and they should be listed in order of increasing depth.Default: none Calnet: lay 0.0 4.0
lay 3.5 5.9
lay 15.0 6.85
lay 25.0 7.85
locate_eq npick interval bind_com location
Allows intermittent relocations of an event; an earthquake with more than npick picks will relocate with every additional interval picks associated. This increases binder_ew's efficiency by skipping cpu- intensive relocations of stable events. Up to 10 "locate_eq" commands can be supplied (in order of increasing npick values) to set multiple npick-break-points and location intervals. An event with fewer picks than the smallest npick value will locate after each additional pick is associated.Default: locate after every pick Calnet: locate_eq 25 2
locate_eq 50 4
locate_eq 75 8
locate_eq 100 16
LogFile switch bndr_config output
Sets the on-off switch for writing a log file to disk. If switch is 0, no log file will be written. If switch is 1, binder_ew will write a daily log file(s) called binder_ewxx.log_yymmdd where xx is binder_ew's module id (set with "MyModuleId" command) and yymmdd is the current UTC date (ex: 960123) on the system clock. The file(s) will be written in the EW_LOG directory (environment variable). The amount of information written to the file(s) can also be controlled with the "log_stack" and "hypcode" commands.Default: none
log_accepted assess_com output
Tells the pick-assessing function (see "assess_pk" command) to log detailed information for all accepted picks, in addition to info about rejected picks. If this command is ommitted, only information about picks rejected as glitches or outliers will be written to the log file.Default: don't log accepted picks
log_stack grid_com output
Tells the program to print a graphical representation of the stack to the log file each time a new hypocenter is declared. Each grid cell in the depth layer containing the hypocenter is represented by a value (0-9,a-z) denoting the number of "hits" in that cell. The trial hypocenter is found by averaging the positions of all the cells which have the maximum number of hits.Default: don't log the stack
MaxDeltaRms factor hyp_com location
Sets a factor in the test for divergence of an event's average weighted residual (rms). Solution diverges if rms > previous rms * factor.Default: MaxDeltaRms 1.01 Calnet: MaxDeltaRms 1.0001
MaxIter num hyp_com location
Sets the maximum number of iterations to perform on each relocation.Default: MaxIter 4 Calnet: MaxIter 4
maxpix maxpix hyp_com location
Defines the maximum size of the problem that can be accommodated by the location algorithm. Sufficient space is allocated to allow the location of an event with maxpix picks. The reason for providing this command is so that space need only be allocated once, preventing considerable overhead in the location process.Default: maxpix 256 Calnet: maxpix 256
maxsite nsite site_com model
Allocates memory to store nsite station locations in the site table.Default: maxsite 1000 Calnet: maxsite 1000
MaxStep xystep zstep hyp_com location
Sets maximum limits (km) on the horizontal (xystep) and vertical (zstep) distance a hypocenter can move in each iteration. If either value is exceeded, all 4 dimensions (x, y, z and time) of the step- vector are equally damped, preserving the direction of the vector, such that each dimension is within its limit.Default: MaxStep 10.0 2.0 Calnet: MaxStep 25.0 5.0
maxtrial ntrial assess_com pick assess
Restricts the pick-assessing process to a maximum of ntrial resamplings. Given n picks sampled 4 at a time, the total number of unique combinations is n!/(4!*(n-4)!). If this number is less than ntrial, all possible combinations will be considered, with no duplication. If the total is greater than ntrial, then ntrial random samples of 4 picks will be considered, and duplication is possible.Default: maxtrial 500 Calnet: maxtrial 500
maxwt wt assess_com pick assess
Defines the maximum pick quality wt to consider in the resampling pick-assessing process (see "assess_pk" command). wt must be a character from 0 thru 4. Picks with qualities higher than wt (poorer quality) may be rejected as glitches, but will not be used in resampling to find outliers.Default: maxwt 3 Calnet: maxwt 3
MinXYZstep minstep hyp_com location
Defines the step length (km) at which to stop iterating. If the x-y-z step is less than minstep km, the hypocenter is considered stable and no more iterations are done on this call to hyp_l1.Default: MinXYZstep 0.1 Calnet: MinXYZstep 0.1
MyModuleId mod_id bndr_config Earthworm setup
Sets the module id for labeling all outgoing messages. mod_id is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique single-byte number.Default: none Calnet: MyModuleId MOD_BINDER_EW
next_id quakeid bind_com stack
Defines the sequence number (quakeid+1) to assign to the next stacked event. Each time an event is created, binder_ew updates a file called "quake_id.d" which contains next available sequence number in the "next_id" command. To ensure sequential, non-duplicated event id's between runs, the parameter file "binder_ew.d" must contain the command "@quake_id.d". If this command is omitted, event sequence numbers will be issued beginning at 1 each time binder_ew is restarted.Default: next_id 1 Calnet: @quake_id.d
Don't try and associate a vertical channel pick as an S phase. If horizontal channels are picked on, there is a possibility that a vertical could be used for a horizontal S phase (probably not the best idea in most cases). This simple flag, no argument needed, will prevent any S phases from being associated on a vertical component pick.Default: off
ph phase weight bind_com locationAllows for differential weighting and exclusion of various associated phases in the event location process. The weighting is based on the phase assigned to the pick by the associator.phase can be any of P, S, Pn, Sn, Pg, or SgIf no "ph" commands are supplied, all phases receive a phase-weight of 1.0. If at least one "ph" command is supplied, other phases that have not been listed by "ph" are weighted 0.0. The overall weight of a pick in the location is the product of its phase-weight and quality- weight ("wt" command) divided by the taper value ("taper" command) at the appropriate distance.
weight can be a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusiveDefault: all phases/1.0 weight Calnet: ph P 1.0
ph Pn 0.5
ph Pg 0.5
psratio value t_com modelSets the value of the P/S seismic velocity ratio.Default: psratio 1.72 Calnet: psratio 1.72
r_max rmax bind_com locationSets the maximum epicentral distance (km) for weighting picks in the location process. Picks from stations at distances greater than rmax km are not weighted.Default: r_max 150.0 Calnet: r_max 400.0
rAvg_Factor factor bind_com associationSets a factor (scalar) which controls the distance cutoff for associating picks with a given event. If a pick is from a station at an epicentral distance greater than factor*(average epicentral distance of all associated picks), binder_ew will not attempt to assocate that pick with that event.Default: rAvg_Factor 10.0 Calnet: rAvg_Factor 7.0
ray z r t_com outputPrints the travel time from an event at z km depth to a station on the surface at an epicentral distance of r km. This command is used mostly for testing, but might be of some interest in checking travel time calculations or plotting travel time curves.
raytst z rmax rdel t_com outputPrints out something dealing with the velocity model and travel times.
region z rmax rdel t_com outputPrints out the travel times of all possible phases at series of points on the surface from an earthquake at z km depth. Those surface points are at epicentral distances from rdel km to rmax km and are spaced rdel km apart. This command, mostly for testing, is useful for plotting travel-time curves.
residual_cut median mad assess_com pick assessSets cutoff thresholds (in seconds) for travel-time residuals in the pick-assessing process. Given a group of picks, up to ntrial (see "maxtrial" command) hypocenters are determined from various combinations of four picks. For each pick, the travel-time residual is calculated with respect to each hypocenter using a uniform-velocity halfspace. If the absolute value of the median of those residuals is greater than median sec, the pick is rejected as an outlier. And if the median of the absolute deviations from the median residual is greater than mad sec, the pick is also rejected as an outlier.Default: residual_cut 3.0 10.0 Calnet: residual_cut 3.0 10.0
RingName ring bndr_config Earthworm setupTells binder_ew which shared memory region to use for input and output. ring is a character string (valid strings are listed in earthworm.d) that relates (in earthworm.d) to a unique number for the key to the shared memory region.Default: none Calnet: RingName PICK_RING
rmscut value bind_com locationSets a maximum value (seconds) for the average absolute residual (rms) for a successful location. If this value is exceeded as a result of culling, scavenging, or associating a new phase, the event is marked as destroyed and all of its phases are deassigned.Default: rmscut 1.0 Calnet: rmscut 1.0
rmscut_pick threshold number_of_picks bind_com locationSets a maximum value (seconds) threshold for the average absolute residual (rms) for a successful location that must be met unless number_of_picks is observed. If this value is exceeded as a result of culling, scavenging, or associating a new phase, and not enough picks are observed, then the event is marked as destroyed and all of its phases are deassigned. Please note that you can have as many of these rmscut_pick commands as you need but the threshold must be in increasing order. At Caltech we found that when a mainshock and foreshock were close together in time, then the mainshock event would get killed if just an RMS of 1.0 was used. By creating this command we allowed many picks (indicating it was a largish event, to overrule the rmscut threshold and allow the automatic location to go through).Default: NOT USED Calnet: rmscut_pick 1.0 100
rmsgrid value grid_com stackNo longer used.
rstack rstack grid_com stackDefines the distance (km) over which phases are allowed to interact with other phases during the stacking analysis. rstack defines the dimensions of the stacking travel-time template, whose cell size is defined by "dspace" (an rstack of 100 and a dspace of 10 would yield a 10 x 10 travel time template). Phases from stations that are more than 2*rstack km apart will not stack together other because their stacking templates will not overlap.Default: rstack 100.0 Calnet: rstack 100.0
site name latitude longitude site_com modelEnters a station location into the station site table, where name is the station code used by the picker, and latitude and longitude are expressed in decimal degrees (positive to the north and east). Use either multiple "site" commands or one "site_file" command to load the station list into binder_ew.
site_file filename site_com modelEnters site codes and station locations into the site table by reading a HYPOINVERSE format station file called filename. In this file, stations are described by a 5-letter site name, a 2-letter network code and a 3-letter component code. The picker must also be using this station-naming convention. The format of the file is described under "HYPOINVERSE STATION FILE FOR FULL 12-LETTER (S-N-C-L) CHANNEL NAMES". Use either one "site_file" command or multiple "site" commands to load the station list into binder_ew.
stack mstack grid_com stackDetermines how many previously received picks are to be considered in the stacking process. A value of 50 to 100 seems appropriate, although if the scatter in reporting delays is large, a larger value of mstack may be required.Default: stack 20 Calnet: stack 50
t_dif tmin tmax bind_com associatonDefines a time range (seconds) around an event origin-time (origin-time minus tmin to origin-time plus tmax). If a pick-time falls outside of this time range for a given event, binder_ew will not attempt to associate that pick with that event.Default: t_dif -1.0 120.0 Calnet: t_dif -3.0 120.0
taper r resmax bind_com associationDefines a distance-dependent tolerance for associating, culling, or scavenging a phase, where r is the distance (km) and resmax is the maximum allowed residual (seconds). Multiple taper commands (up to 100) can be issued, in order of increasing r, to define the tolerance function. Between the distances specified, the value of the cutoff residual changes linearly between corresponding resmax values. For distances less than the lowest value specified, the cutoff residual is constant at the resmax value for the smallest distance; for distances exceeding the maximum specified, the cutoff is constant at the resmax value set for the maximum distance. If no "taper" commands are supplied, the cutoff residual is a constant 1.0 sec for all distances.Default: constant 1.0 sec Calnet: taper 0.0 1.0
taper 50.0 1.0
taper 200.0 2.5
taper 400.0 4.5
taper_OT const1 const2 bind_com associationSets constants for two additional terms to be added to the residual- tolerance function (described for "taper" command). These 2 terms widen the residual-tolerance for events with greater location uncertainty. The first added term (multiplied by const1) depends on the event rms and the number of picks associated with the event. The second additional term is: const2 * log10(distance of closest station) To eliminate the event origin-time uncertainty terms, use the command: taper_OT 0.0 0.0Default: taper_OT 2.0 2.0 Calnet: taper_OT 2.0 1.0
thresh mthresh grid_com stackSets the cell-count above which to consider declaring an earthquake from a stack. A completed stack is examined to prepare a list of cells that share the maximum count value and the same minimum distance to the initiating phase. The associator declares a new hypocenter from the stack only if the maximum count value is greater than mthresh and the number of cells in the list is less than nfocus (see "focus" command). The trial hypocenter for the declared event is calculated by averaging the center positions of all the cells in the maximum-count list. mthresh should be greater than 3 times the maximum increment specified by "grid_wt" commands to ensure that at least 4 phases contribute to declaration of a new earthquake.Default: thresh 6 Calnet: thresh 14
tstack tstack grid_com stackDefines how close (in seconds) the back-projection of one phase must lie with respect to the back-projection of another phase for the two phases to be considered coherent (ie, from the same source). The value of tstack should reflect the degree of crustal heterogeneity as shown in the range of station delays. As a first approximation, tstack should be at least the number of seconds it takes for a P-wave to cross a grid cell of dspace km.Default: tstack 0.5 Calnet: tstack 0.65
v_halfspace vel assess_com pick assessSets the P-wave velocity vel in km/sec of the halfspace used in the pick-assessing process to locate events by the Ingelada method and to calculate travel-times residuals (see "assess_pk" command).Default: v_halfspace 5.0 Calnet: v_halfspace 5.0
wt quality weight bind_com locationControls the weight of a pick in the event location process based on the quality assigned to the pick by the picker. Picks with a quality of 0 are the most reliable, those with quality 4 are least reliable.quality is any of the values 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4If no "wt" commands are supplied, all picks receive a quality-weight of 1.0. If at least one "wt" command is supplied, other qualites that have not been listed by "wt" are weighted 0.0. The overall weight of a pick in the location is the product of its phase-weight (see "ph" command) and quality-weight divided by the taper value (see "taper" command) at the appropriate distance.
weight is a number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.Default: all qualities/1.0 weight Calnet: wt 0 1.0
wt 1 0.5
wt 2 0.25
wt 3 0.125
zrange zmin zmax hyp_com locationDefines the valid range (km) for computed hypocentral depth. The range specified by zmin and zmax must span the depth range set in the "grdz" command; otherwise, events may stack outside of the zrange limit and this could cause locator logic errors. If during the iteration process, the depth falls outside of the zmin-zmax range, a fixed-depth solution is calculated starting at the previous iteration's hypocenter. This feature is useful in controlling locations from network "glitches" where all picks are concurrent and the apparent high phase velocity would try to locate the quake at the center of the Earth.Default: zrange 2.0 20.0 Calnet: zrange 1.0 30.0
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